
May 17, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Konan Bonus Dialog

Hello all!

I've been hard at work trying to create a nice, easy-to-navigate PDF for Part 1, Chapter 2 of Suzaku Ibun. Turns out it's a bit of a rabbit hole - this is the part of the story where you wander around Konan looking for Celestial Warriors, so there's lots and lots (and lots!) of alternate dialogue, depending on the order in which you do things. 

I may not be able to cover absolutely everything, but I did go back and start translating some of the early "opening scene" dialogue options. And, as long as I'm doing that, I figured I'd share it with you, too. Translations and notes after the jump.

As those of you who followed this translation on my LJ may remember, Part 1, Chapter 2 opens with Tamahome asking you where you want to go. I originally chose "Move to another region" and then went back to the palace and the city proper later. However, if you take these scenes in a different order, you get some different (and amusing) dialogue.

For those who haven't followed my translations before, a quick note on scripting: Whenever I'm translating an alternate version of a scene, I use dashes (-----) to denote lines that are "universal" (i.e., the same in all versions). This is to help you find your place in the translation. For large chunks, I'll use [Same dialog] in brackets. And so:

Look for celestial warriors inside the palace
You: Well, how about we check out the palace grounds?
You: Take a look at this.
I rummaged through my pack and pulled out The Universe of the Four Gods scroll I’d been given.
You: There are hints about the Celestial Warriors written on this scroll...
You: It says “Palace” and “Warrior.” It could maybe mean someone from the court.
----Tamahome: ...I see. “Warrior” would make it a courtier... with ferocious strength?
[Same dialog (see the original LiveJournal post)]
-----To be honest, I started to get the feeling that no one could hold a candle to him.
----Tamahome: C’mon, keep ‘em comin!
You: T-Tamahome, go a little easier on them!
Tamahome: Oh? Should I? I was already going real easy on ‘em, but…
Hotohori: You’re causing quite the commotion, Tamahome.
You: H-Hotohori!
Hotohori: These soldiers have had their pride torn to shreds.
You: Ah, s-sorry about that.
Hothori: It doesn’t bother me. In fact, if it means curing peacetime soldiers of their idiocy, then I see it as a useful exercise.
Tamahome: C’mon, next in line!
-----You: Everyone’s laid out on the flippin’ floor... Tamahome…
[Same dialog]
-----Tamahome: That so? You couldn’t tell that I was having a ton of fun?
Hotohori: Pay it no mind. We have a long road ahead of us. We can take our time walking it.
You: Thanks, you two…
-----??? (1): Oh my... these sweets are so tasty.
-----??? (2): They arrived from my hometown yesterday!
-----You: What’s that? I can hear voices…
Hotohori: Those are the empresses of the inner court.
You: The Lady Empresses? Wait, who are they?
Tamahome: They’ve been chosen as Hotohori-sama’s empresses.
You: Whaaaa! Hotohori! You’re married?!
Hotohori: …To be precise, they are Imperial consorts. I have no interest in choosing an empress from among the inner court. (1)
Hotohori: [Your Name], it is essential that you maintain your health. How would you like to take a break to chat with these other young ladies?
Tamahome: …Personally, I think we should keep looking for Celestial Warriors, but it’s your call.
...Hmm, I wonder what I should do.
  • Look for Celestial Warriors in the city proper
  • Join in the tea party
  • Move to another region

Join in the tea party
-----You: ...I’ve made up my mind. I’m gonna go to the tea party.
Hotohori: I see. Then I shall excuse myself.
You: Oh… why’s that?
Hotohori: I almost never visit the inner court. I feel rather constrained there...
You: Well, Tamahome, are you coming with?
Tamahome: Uhhh… I’m gonna pass, too.
You: How come?!
-----Tamahome: I really just, y’know… I suck at flowery stuff like that. I’d much rather spar with my soldier pals here.
[Same dialog (see the original LiveJournal post)]
-----You: I-I knew he wouldn’t listen!
-----Tamahome: What’re you doin’!?
Hotohori: Stop this at once, you fool!
-----Soldier: Shut th’ hell up!!
[Same dialog]
-----Nuriko: I see you in a slightly better light, Milady “Priestess of Suzaku.”
Hotohori: It appears you are safe, [Your Name].
You: ...Thanks, Hotohori.
Nuriko: Hotohori-sama? The “Priestess of Suzaku” is perfectly safe! I protected her!
Hotohori: Oh… I see. You are a member of the inner court, then?
Nuriko: I just knew Your Highness would not remember meeee!
Hotohori: I-I apologize. I shall make certain to never forget you again.
Hotohori: Nuriko, thank you for saving the Priestess of Suzaku.
Nuriko: Ah… it was nothing… Your gratitude is so very...
Tamahome: ...First you’re crying, then you’re smiling. Is this some kinda “funny faces” comedy routine?
Nuriko: What’d you say!?
Tamahome: Oh, and now you’re pissed!
You: Tamahome! Quit it! ...For crying out loud.
-----You: ...Um, Nuriko-san. If possible, would you like to go on a journey to find the other warriors with me...?
[Same dialog]
-----Although her expression said something else entirely...
Hotohori: I would request your presence as well. I believe you can help me. I should like your assistance.
Nuriko: H-His Highness Hotohori-sama is counting on me…
You: Um…?
Nuriko: Please allow your humble servant to join you! Hotohori-sama! You may leave everything in my hands!
You: N-Nuriko-san…?
Nuriko: Now you quit that. Adding “san” is just so standoffish! Call me Nuriko!
You: ‘Kay…
Her personality is totally different from before...
Nuriko: Don’t worry, [Your Name]! I’ll keep you safe no matter what! You’ll see! (2)
You: Th… thanks…
Tamahome: Y’know… this is no ordinary lady, in every sense of the phrase.
You: Mm…
Nuriko: Now, let’s go! On our journey to find the Celestial Warriors!
You: Oh, yeah~....
I wonder where we should go.
  • Search for Celestial warriors in the city proper
  • Move to another region

Search for Celestial warriors in the city proper
We asked around the city to see if there were any people who used a mysterious power or had a Chinese character somewhere on their bodies, but...
Tamahome: I checked all over but I couldn’t find a thing. No stories, no people, no nothin’.
You: Me too…
How are Misaki-chan and I ever going to get home at this rate…?
Tamahome: Well? What does the girl from another world think of the capital city?
You: One street had nothing but bookstores, another had nothing but clothes shops, and another had nothing but restaurants!
You: It’s so lively. I kinda enjoyed myself.
Horses were coming and going all the time.
It put me in a sightseeing kind of mood.

[Dialog options]
Note: You can trigger this scene without Nuriko if you came here straight from the opening scene, OR if you select this option instead of joining the tea party. The dialog changes slightly if you do.
  • With Nuriko
  • Without Nuriko

Without Nuriko
Tamahome: Well, if you had fun, then it was a productive trip.
You: Huh…?
Tamahome: You’ve been working a little too hard, y’know.
You: Y-you think so…?
Tamahome: I can tell just by lookin’ at you.
Tamahome: You gotta relax a little more. Otherwise you’ll burn yourself out before you ever find Misaki.
You: ...Thanks. For worrying about me, I mean.
Tamahome: Oh… no… it’s more like...

>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

With Nuriko
Nuriko: Thanks for waiting. Judging by the looks on your faces…
Nuriko: I’m guessing you didn’t find out anything?
Tamahome: Pretty much.
You: Mm-hm…
Nuriko: [Your Name]? ...What’s wrong?
You: Huh… Oh, no. Sorry, it’s nothing.
Nuriko: Right now… “I wonder if it’s just impossible for me to look for these Celestial Warriors”—
Nuriko: You’re not thinking that, are you?
You: ...J-just a little.
Nuriko: *sigh*... You just don’t understand the path a woman must walk, do you?
You: Huh...?
Nuriko: A good woman is one who simply does not give up.
Nuriko: She always smiles, but all the while, passionate flames burn within her heart.
Nuriko: That’s what a good woman is.
You: I-is that right…?
Nuriko: It is. So you had better be the kind of woman who simply doesn’t give up, too!
You: Mm…
Nuriko: That’s good, then. It’s what’s inside that counts! You have to be ready!
Tamahome: And a good-lookin’ outside counts even more!
Nuriko: Mind your own business, Tamahome!
Tamahome: Oof! Don’t hit me! You’ll break my neck with that super-strength of yours!
You: *giggles*
Tamahome: H-hey, don’t laugh when a guy’s life is in danger!
You: B-but it’s just… Ahahahahaha!
Nuriko: There you go. If you can laugh, then you’re already halfway to happiness.

>>Return to Standard Dialogue (below)

Return to Standard Dialogue
Tamahome: Anyway! We’d better set aside the possibility that there’s a warrior in the city.
You: Mm! Let’s look someplace else!

>>Automatically cuts to the “Move to another region” dialog from the opening scene

[Same dialog]
-----Tamahome: If that’s what you’ve decided, then that’s fine. Well, let’s go!
Nuriko: Look at you, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed…
You: Good to see you too, Nuriko!
Nuriko: Well, seeing as how Hotohori-sama entrusted your safety to me, you can bet I’m going to keep a close eye on you. You can rest easy.
-----Hotohori: Ah, we are at last departing.
-----You: Mm. Tamahome’s helping me out, too.
[Same dialog]
-----You: But... won’t it be a huge hassle if the emperor leaves?
Nuriko: I’m so grateful to be able to go on a journey with Hotohori-sama!
Nuriko: His Highness is traveling with us for my sake!
Hotohori: Ah… Indeed. Naturally, it was for everyone’s sakes…
-----Hotohori: This journey plays an extremely important role for the future of Our nation.
[Same dialog]
-----Hotohori: It shall make the journey a bit less dangerous for everyone.
Nuriko: *giggles*
Nuriko: Hotohori-sama was worried about me!
Hotohori: N-no… I did say it was a dangerous journey, but…
Nuriko: Come, now! I’m certain to return safely, don’t you agree?
Tamahome: We don’t need to worry about you…
-----Tamahome: Well anyway, that’s reassuring, Hotohori-sama.
[Same dialog]
=>Go to world map


Translation Notes:

(1) The ladies of the inner court - First, Hotohori uses the term “妃,” which the game actually takes the time to spell out phonetically as kisaki, meaning “empress” or “queen.” Then when he says they’re “Imperial consorts,” he uses the term 妃侯, which the game does not bother to spell out phonetically and which none of my dictionaries have ever seen. 妃 can mean either “empress,” “princess,” or “consort,” depending on the pronunciation, and 侯 refers to a lord or marquis. So I kinda just used context to translate it. If anyone has ever seen these two characters together before and wants to jump in with a better translation, be my guest.

(2) I feel like I’m very stupidly misunderstanding this, but the original is あなたはあたしが、何があっても護ってみせる (anata ha atashi ga, nani ga attemo mamotte-miseru). Which I really feel should be “you’ll show me that you’ll protect me no matter what,” but that doesn’t really make sense in context, so I switched the you/me. *Sigh* No matter how long I play this game, every once in a while something as simple as は and が particles still throw me off...

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