
June 30, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Makan Village, Pt. 3 (Or, "The Little Priestess That Could")

Ni-hao and osokunatte sumimasen! Sorry I'm a day late. The weekend was a busy one and the translation was a long one. But it's done now with lots of twisty AU dialogue options. I'll make notes as I go. Sound off in the comments if you have any questions - or if you just want to cheer because the Makan Village Arc is FINALLY DONE. *throws confetti*

==Scene: Makan Village==
[Dialog options]
  • Tasuki
  • Chichiri

Tasuki: You came back.
You: Tasuki...
Tasuki: I believed in ya, [Your Name].
Tasuki: Yer the only woman who Tasuki the Great will acknowledge. No way were you gonna lose ta some creep’s jutsu.
You: ...I could hear your voice, and...
Tasuki: Yep. Our connection is stronger than both dreams an’ reality!
You: But how... did you know about Soi?
Tasuki: Instinct!
You: ...That’s... easy to understand.
Tasuki: I thought something was funny about her, an’ after I listened t’my gut, it was a snap uncoverin’ her identity.
Tasuki: I escaped durin’ th’ commotion an’ came here.
Tasuki: Now, time fer a counterstrike.
You: ...Mm.
Tomo: You defeated the magic of my “shell”...
Tomo: ...Nevertheless, you think you can best me just because of that?
You: ...Watch us.
Tasuki: My head’s tellin’ me we’re gonna do just that. You’d better come quietly, fer your own sake.
Tasuki: ‘Cause the Priestess of Suzaku has got Tasuki the Great on her side!!
Tomo: Fwahahahaha!
Tomo: I’d rather you not get so carried away, just because you defeated my jutsu a single time.
Tomo: To do so would be foolish!
You: Magic again...!?
Tasuki: ...Quit usin’ yer weirdo jutsu.

>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

==Scene: Makan Village==
Chichiri: I had faith that you would come back no da.
You: Chichiri...
You: Chichiri! I could hear your voice! I could hear your voice, and because of that, I...!
Chichiri: ...No, it was your own willpower that brought you back no da.
Chichiri: It just happened to take the form of my voice no da.
You: But how... did you know about to Soi?
Chichiri: I may not look it, but I do specialize in jutsu no da.
Chichiri: I saw through Soi’s identity and ran off right away no da.
Chichiri: Sorry I was late. You held up well, Priestess of Suzaku.
You: ...You don’t need to apologize. It’s because you helped me that I’m here now.
Chichiri: ...You give me more credit than I deserve no da.
Tomo: You defeated the magic of my “shell”...
Tomo: ..Nevertheless, you think you can best me just because of that?
You: ...Watch us.
Chichiri: Now it’s my turn no da.
Tomo: Fwahahahaha!
Tomo: I’d rather you not get so carried away, just because you defeated my jutsu a single time.
Tomo: To do so would be foolish!
You: Magic again...!?
Chichiri: ...He’s incredibly powerful no da...
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Return to Standard Dialogue
You: But... If we stay focused, we should be able to defeat it!
Tomo: It’s futile. My jutsu is stronger beyond comparison.
Tomo: I will not be defeated by the likes of you!
You: Tomo... I’ll say it as many times as you want.
You: You can’t touch me with your magic.
Strength began to overflow from me...
Tomo: Ngh... What the hell is this tremendous power—!
You: Your damned illusions… will never hold us back! Not me or any of us!
Tomo: This is... the power of the Priestess of Suzaku...
Tomo: In that case, I shall destroy you with my own two hands! (1)
Tomo: Unable to even breathe, you’ll lose control of your body and die cursing my name!  *clang*
You: ...I—won’t lose...
You: I absolutely... will not lose!

Tasuki: ...Well, look at you. It’s a damned honor t’be able ta protect a gal like you.
Chichiri: Suzaku is acting in accord... with her will.

[Dialog options]
  • Amiboshi drowned in the river
  • Amiboshi fell in the river, but survived (note: I have not played this version yet)
  • Amiboshi was taken as a POW

Amiboshi drowned in the river
[Note: I only played this version with Tasuki, so I’m not sure if there is specific “seishi” dialogue in this. I’m sure there’s also Nuriko dialogue in here at some point, but I don’t have it yet.]

I could hear... footsteps...
Tamahome: [Your Name]! Are you okay!?
You: ...Tamahome... Guys!
Tomo: Tsk... There’s too many of them...
Tomo: I shall withdraw!
Ah... his jutsu... came undone.
*screen shakes*
Huh...? Why am I... falling…?
Tamahome: Hey! You all right!?
Mitsukake: No external injury... But she’s suffering from severe fatigue.
You: ...You guys... I’ll… keep fighting… so...

==Fades to black==

==Scene: Peasant’s Home==
You: ...What... just...?
Mitsukake: Oh, you’re awake...?
You: Huh... I... could’ve sworn... with Tomo...
Tamahome: That’s right... You fought Tomo and drove the bastard off. You really did it.
Tasuki: Damn, but that was impressive.
You: ...It was, huh…?
Chiriko: ...But don’t push yourself so hard from now on.
Chiriko: When the enemy appears, you should run.
Chiriko: That takes courage, too.
You: ...Mm. Thanks.
You: Huh...?
Mitsukake: What’s wrong? Do you not feel well?
You: No...  I’m sorta... really... sleepy and...
Chichiri: ...You really... gave it your all out there no da.
You: *giggles*...
Tamahome: ...What’s up? Why’re you laughing?
You: Oh, no reason.
You: You’re all here... and so am I. I was just thinking about that.
...Feeling very happy, I closed my eyes.
=Fade to black=
When I woke up it was already morning, and we all set off on our journey again.
I’d thought it was obvious what I meant when I called the others my “comrades.”
But now I felt like I finally, truly understood it.

=>Go to world map

Amiboshi was taken as a POW
[Note: I only played this with Chichiri, so I don’t have the “seishi specific” dialogue for Tasuki here.]
You: ...Let it be known: You’re the one who’s going to lose!
You: Retreat at once!
Tomo: Me... lose? To a little girl like you?
Tomo: *snickers*...
Tomo: Don’t make me laugh!!
Tomo: I’ve dedicated my entire life to my training. I honed my power for Nakago’s sake!
Tomo: A little girl like you!? I’ll grind you into dust!!
...What? I was suddenly in pain...
You: Aahhhhhhh!!
What... what’s happening!?
Tomo: A pain beyond imagination.
Tomo: A veritable sea of pain—
Tomo: You shall drown in it, until it crushes your soul!
You: Ah... ahh...!!
White-hot pain shot through my head—
But as I writhed against it...
...The sound of... a flute?
The pain that had engulfed my body vanished, as if it the music had wiped it away...
You: I can move...
The person who’d helped me... seemed to be unharmed, too.
{Amiboshi appears}
Amiboshi: It’s been a while, [Your Name]-san.
You: A-Amiboshi!!
You: Why—are you...?
Amiboshi: Hotohori-sama wanted to help you.
You: Hotohori did…?
Amiboshi: I’m glad I got here just in time...
You: ...You sure did.
You: Thanks...
You: But... he’s an old friend of yours...
Amiboshi: I’m ready for him.
Amiboshi: The entire time I was with you, I wanted to be one of your warriors.
You: ...You did…?
Amiboshi: Let’s leave this talk for another time.
Amiboshi: I’ve got the advantage in a fight with him.
You: ...Mm.
Amiboshi: Please leave this to me.
You: B-but it’s dangerous!
Amiboshi: No... it’s fine.
Amiboshi: I once confronted you as an enemy.
Amiboshi: I’ll use this fight to prove my loyalty to you.
You: ...Well, if you’re going to say all that...

[Dialog options: Seishi of Choice (in this case, Chichiri)]
Chichiri: Objection no da!
You: Ch-Chichiri!?
Chichiri: I am a Suzaku Celestial Warrior with the proper feelings, am I not no da?
Chichiri: As one who protects the Priestess of Suzaku—
Chichiri: —No, as one who protects you, [Your Name], I will not retreat from here!
Chichiri: I swear, here and now, that I will keep you safe no da!!
You: Chichiri...
Chichiri: Amiboshi... Can you stop his magic with your flute no da?
Amiboshi: ...I think so, yes.
Chichiri: Then please do so no da.
Amiboshi: Understood. I’ll try!
The pure sound of the flute began to ring out. Tomo shouldn’t able to use his jutsu anymore.
Tomo: *snickers*... A futile effort...
Chichiri: Our enemy is a sorcerer. My jutsu isn’t about to lose to his no da~!
Chichiri: Hah!
=screen shakes=
=landscape covered in dust=
Tomo: Ugh... Why, you...
You: ...W-we won?
Chichiri: Not yet no da...
Chichiri: A Seiryuu Warrior won’t fall that easily.
Chichiri: We can’t let our guards down no da.
You: ...Right.

[And while I’m not positive, I’m assuming that the dialog from here to the end is the same regardless of your Useless Seishi Bae]
Tomo: Heh... *snickers*...
You: No way... H-he’s standing up?
Tomo: Fwahahahahahahahaha!!
Tomo: Who ever said this was the real me?
Tomo: From the moment you first saw me, you were afflicted by my illusions.
You: But—we resisted...
Tomo: Even your resistance was an illusion!
You: ...He disappeared? Where’s the real one!?
Tomo: Right over... here.
You: —Amiboshi!! Behind you!!
Amiboshi: Eh—?
Tomo: Too slow!
=Flashes red=
The feathers on Tomo’s headdress pierced right through Amiboshi.
Amiboshi: Ah...
Amiboshi: Damn... it...
You: A... Amiboshi!!
Tomo: With this… I claim victory.
You: Amiboshi! Amiboshi! Are you okay!?
Tomo: Now... Priestess of Suzaku, you’re next.
Tomo: The Suzaku Celestial Warriors are insignificant as far as I am concerned.
???: Ah, is that right…?
Tamahome: Don’t go counting us out yet!
In an instant, Tamahome landed a blow on Tomo.
Tomo: ...Damn you.
You: Tamahome!!
Tomo: How... DARE... you!!
Tamahome: Whoa... You can still move!?
Tomo: Die!
Tasuki: That’s my line!
Tasuki: REK’KA... SHIN’EN!!
Tomo: ...Damn you... Priestess... of... Suzaku...
And just like that... he was down for the count...
Mitsukake: ...Are you okay, [Your Name]?
You: Mitsukake! Guys!!
The next thing I knew, we were all together again.
You: You guys... how in the world...?
Tamahome: Amiboshi bought us some time, thankfully.
Tamahome: We figured out we were with an impostor priestess and came running back to where we’d last seen you.
Tamahome: The impostor got away.
Tamahome: But I’m just glad you’re safe.
Tamahome: ...You really gave it your all out there.
You: ...No. It was thanks to you guys...
Just as I was beginning to relax, I suddenly felt my body grow heavy.
Aah... I’m... all worn out...
You: I’m so glad... you’re all... safe.
As soon as I lay on the ground and closed my eyes, I was fast asleep.


==Scene: Sairou Peasant Home==
You: ...Nn.
You: Where... am I...?
Nuriko: My... you finally woke up.
You: ...Nuriko...
Tamahome: So you’re awake, huh?
You: Mm...
Mitsukake: You were just fatigued. Your life was never in any danger...
Mitsukake: You recovered quickly as well. I suppose this is also due to Suzaku’s divine protection.
You: *giggles*...
Chiriko: What’s the matter?
You: I just can’t believe... that I’m really still alive...
Tasuki: Yer tenacious. That’s somethin’ t’be proud of.
You: I’m not, though. It was because Amiboshi was there to help me...
You: ...That’s right. Amiboshi—where’s Amiboshi!?
Mitsukake: I healed the wounds he received during the battle. However...
You: “However”... What’s wrong?
Chichiri: ...Amiboshi’s gone no da.
Chichiri: He left while we were keeping an eye on you no da.
You: But why... would he...?
Chichiri: He’s always haunted by his crimes no da.
You: His crimes…? But what he did today wiped away all that.
Mitsukake: He’s a serious young man.
You: Amiboshi... But as long as he’s safe, then...
Mitsukake: Yes, that’s right...
Nuriko: I’m sure he’s fine. He’s not the kind of guy who’d die that easily.
You: ...Mm. You’re right.
...It felt like a lot had happened in a day.
Well... Actually, days and days passed within the dream-world, so maybe I couldn’t really say it had only been one day.
You: ...There’s just one thing I know for certain.
Tamahome: What’s that?
You: They manipulated Misaki-chan and forced her to become the Priestess of Seiryuu against her will.
You: She’s been waiting for me to save her...
So—I’ve got to keep fighting... right here in this world.
You: Guys, let’s give it our all, okay?
My comrades all smiled and nodded.

=>Go to world map


Translation Notes:
(1) “In that case, I shall destroy you with my own two hands!” *Winces* This is, at best, really broad, and at worst, totally inaccurate. Original: ならば、一切手は抜きませんよ (naraba, issai te ha nukimasen yo). Something to the effect of “In that case, all hands will not omit/surpass.” For the first time in a long time, I really have no idea. Maybe someone fully fluent can come rescue me. *sigh*