
June 01, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Sairou Map and Borderlands

Ni-hao, minna-san!

Since it's been a while, I'm rewarding you all with a nice fat chunk of Ibun! Most of it is in the next post, though. Since Blogger "jumps" work a little differently than LJ "cuts," instead of trying to cram multiple locations into a single post, it's easier to separate the posts by location and/or AU story line. 

So this post is just an intro to Sairou, and the dialog for if you return to "Borderlands" after you get to Sairou. But the post directly following it is full of all kinds of plot-relevant weirdness. Cross my heart.

Script Note: I started using colored highlights to denote character-specific dialog. This works pretty well in the PDF files I'm trying to create, so I want to use it in the blog posts from now on, too. For now, the only highlight you'll see is purple for Nuriko, since (if you're following along with me) you may or may not have her at this point. Now there are ways for these scenes to not have Chiriko or Chichiri, but I haven't played those yet, so I'm not going to try marking them. I'll try to do that later.

H'okay. On with the show!

“Sairou Map”Please choose a place to travel”
Borderlands - Camp Remains - Makan Village

==Scene: Desert==
You: Whoa... it’s that desert again~...
Nuriko: It’s not really that remarkable anymore, you know.
You: S-sure it is. I think so, anyway.
Chiriko: ...Hokkan is just past this desert...
Chiriko: Do you want to travel there?
Hmm... What to do?
It’d be a huge hassle...

  • Travel to Hokkan
  • Keep searching in Sairou

Travel to Hokkan
=>Go to Hokkan map

Keep searching in Sairou
=>Return to Sairou map

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