
January 26, 2015

Suzaku Ibun: Final Chapter - Chichiri Edition: Book and Real World Endings

Ni-hao, minna-san!

I had enough time this week that I was able to get both the Chichiri endings cleaned up, so I'm giving you a double-post and including them both here. And thus we come at last to the end of my finale, original translation arcs! Man, I feel like I should have some confetti to throw or something. Guess this bag of rice will have to do. Banzai!

I'll talk a bit at the end of this post about the future of Ibun, this blog, and the rest of my many projects, but let's just focus on lovely dialog that makes us feel all the feelings for right now.

Oh, and speaking of feelings… I’m flipping the order of the endings this time, because I want to end on Chichiri's Book World Ending, because it is perfect. PERFECT.

Onwards to fluff bunnies!

==Scene: Bedchamber, at night==
Two weeks had passed since the battle.
About half the Konan soldiers remained to rebuild the villages and cities that had been raided by Kutou.
The battle was over, and everyone was beginning to walk their respective paths.
Time kept on flowing forward.
For all my friends, and... for me, too...
There was still one thing I had to decide.

[Dialog options only if you learned the secret of your birth bac at the Camp Ruins in Sairou. Otherwise, default to the “Real World” Ending]
  • Stay with Chichiri in this world (scroll down to read this one)
  • Go with Chichiri to the real world

Go with Chichiri to the real world
I wanted to be with Chichiri. That was how I truly felt.
But I was still hesitant.
I couldn’t ask Chichiri to come with me. Time passed with me stuck like that, until—
Tomorrow would be my last day in this world.

==Scene: Road, at night==
Chichiri: Good evening, no da.
You: ...Oh... Chichiri...
Chichiri: You called me out here. What’s up no da?
You: I thought we could talk one last time.
Chichiri: One last time?
You: Yeah... ‘Cause I’m heading out tomorrow, y’know.
Chichiri: I don’t understand.
Chichiri: Why? I mean, why did you only ask me to come?
You: Well... I… um...
You: Because I... like you...
Chichiri: But even so... you still have to leave no da?
You: Well...
Chichiri: In other words... you’re saying the ties that bind us together are this weak no da?
You: ...You don’t have to be... so mean about it...
And here I’d hoped... we could end with a smile and a “goodbye.”
Chichiri: I’m not being mean no da.
Chichiri: It’s just that you don’t trust me no da.
You: What...?
Chichiri slowly took off his mask...
Chichiri: Why don’t you... have any faith in my feelings for you?
Chichiri: I’ve sworn to you time and again, haven’t I? That I exist for you no da.
You: ...Chichiri.
Chichiri: If you’re leaving, then I’m coming with you, and that’s that no da.
You: But... I mean...
You: Your world... you’d have to... throw it all away...
Chichiri: You can throw away anything if it’s for the sake of something that truly matters.
Chichiri: People are like that no da.
You: ...But...
Chichiri: Haven’t you been willing time and again to give your life for your closest friend no da?
You: Well...
Chichiri: So the least I can do is be willing to throw away my world for you no da.
Chichiri: So please… for my sake, couldn’t you find it in your heart to allow me to accompany you?
You: ...Yes...
Chichiri: Then tomorrow will certainly be a day to remember no da.
You: How so...?
Chichiri: It’s the day the two of us will vow to be together forever…
[Chichiri REALLY wants to get married, you guys. I mean, he’s still got the tux from the last time and the colors all picked out and like this ENTIRE BINDER full of catering company and DJ contact information...]
You: ...Mm.
Chichiri: Then you’ll need a nice, congratulatory gift...
You: A gift?
Chichiri: If you’d be so kind as to close your eyes for me no da. My princess.
You: ...Huh...? Well,okay, but...
You: ...Like this?
Chichiri: Da.
Suddenly I felt the ground slip away from beneath my feet—
You: Wha…? Wha...!?
Chichiri: You can open your eyes, Priestess of Suzaku no da.
==Scene: Night sky==
You: We... we’re flying...!
Chichiri: Suzaku’s influence has gotten stronger recently—that’s why I can do this no da.
Chichiri: Look no da.
Chichiri: Each of these lights is a life that you protected.
You: ...It wasn’t just me, y’know. It was all of us...
Chichiri: ...Da. All of us no da.
You: ...Say, Chichiri.
Chichiri: Da?
You: Thank you...
You: For falling in love with me.
Chichiri: ...I should be the one saying that no da.
Chichiri: Thank you... for falling in love with me.
With my second wish, I returned Misaki-chan and I to our world—
I used my final wish so that Chichiri and I could be together in my world—
And a few years after I came home, we were reunited.
And now—
Chichiri: Wow... they’re beautiful no da! I’d expect nothing less from Japan!
You: ...Y-you’re exaggerating...
I took Chichiri, who was immersing himself in Japanese culture, with me to go see the fireworks.
Chichiri: Oo...! Ahh…! No da!!
You: You don’t need the “no da,” y’know...

I know this is dumb, but it annoys me that he got "reincarnated" without the scar.
Also, they drew him with these really thick, broad features, and it looks weird, and I don't like it.
...Pretty fireworks, though.
With the lights from the fireworks dappling Chichiri’s face, I thought that somehow, even more than usual—
Chichiri: ...You look even prettier than usual today no da.
You: ...Mm. Thanks...
On that summer night—
The fireworks we saw, as a couple, were so much more beautiful than any of the ones I’d seen before.


Translation Notes(ish):
Normally I’m really pleased with the writing in this game, but I’m sorry, there’s no damn way Chichiri refers to someone as “my princess (ware ga hime).” Blegh. That’s some cheesy Hotohori nonsense, right there. That said, the whole “thank you for falling in love with me” stuff is pretty damn adorable, though (and just about the only time I've ever translated suki as "love," since it made so much sense in context this time).
...Oh, right, I actually did have a translation note, here: During the Real World scene, Chichiri actually says “beautiful” in English, which, coupled with his blonde hair, suggests he got reincarnated in an English-speaking nation. I approve of this canon. Granted, there wasn’t really any way to get this across in my translation, but hopefully you heard it and made note of it while playing.


Stay with Chichiri in this world
Tomorrow was the day I would leave this world. As it approached—
I finally made up my mind.

==Scene: Walkway, at night==
You: Um...
Chichiri: I know you’re there no da. Please come in.
The door opened on its own.

==Scene: Bedchamber, at night==
You: Sorry to bother you...
Chichiri: What’s up no da? It’s the middle of the night.
You: ...Mm. I just kinda wanted to see you....
You: Why are you still awake, Chichiri? It’s the middle of the night...
Chichiri: I just kinda had a feeling that you’d come here no da.
You: ...Wow. Senjutsu can do that, too?
Chichiri: The power of love can no da.
You: Eh... Th-the power of love!?
Chichiri: Just kidding no da.
Chichiri: But... I do understand exactly how you feel no da.
You: How?
Chichiri: Haven’t I been with you this whole time?
Chichiri: I know everything you’re thinking no da.
You: But—
Chichiri: Here, we’ll test it out.
Chichiri: You can only answer “yes” or “no” from now on, no da.
You: O-okay.
Chichiri: You made up your mind about something serious today.
You: ...Yes.
Chichiri: And that decision concerns me.
You: ...Yes.
Chichiri:But this choice means that you’re going to lose quite a lot, too.
You: ...Yes.
Family, school, friends—a lot of words came to mind.
Chichiri: You’re still not sure you’ve made the right choice.
You: ...Yes.
Chichiri: ...You think you know what I’m going to say about it.
You: ...Yes.
I’m sure he’s going to tell me to go back to my own world...
Chichiri: Then you already have your answer no da.
Chichiri’s words made me really sad.
Chichiri: It’s all right. We won’t be lonely no da.
You: ...But...
Chichiri: Even if we’re apart, our feelings will connect us.
You: But... that’s...
Chichiri: “Yes” or “No,” [Your Name].
You: ...Yes.
Chichiri: Family and friends are important no da.
You: Yes...
Chichiri: So you’ll go home, [Your Name] no da.
You: ...No.
Chichiri: This is a life-changing decision. You can’t throw everything away on a temporary emotion.
You: ...No.
You: No! You’re wrong.
You: It’s not temporary! I’ve cared about you right from the beginning!
You: And I’m definitely going to keep caring about you, too!
You: So...
You: So please. Let me stay with you...
Chichiri: You’re the single most important person in my life no da.
You: If that’s how you feel... then why?
Chichiri: Because that’s how I feel... is why.
You: ...Chichiri, listen to me. I’ve had to make a lot of choices during my time here.
You: I’d think by now I’d at least know what would make me happy.
I stared straight at Chichiri.
You: ...And being with you is what would make me happy.
You: Say, Chichiri... do you not want me to stay with you?
Chichiri: ...Well...
You: “Yes” or “No.”
Chichiri: No, no da.
You: Do you... love me?
Chichiri: ...Yes.
Chichiri: I give up. You win no da.
Chichiri: You’ve really grown into a fine young woman no da.
You: ...Mm.
Chichiri: I’m sure there will be times when you regret this day—and this decision. Are you okay with that no da?
You: ...And I’m sure there will be plenty more times when I’m grateful for this day—and this decision.
Chichiri softly took my hands in his.
Chichiri: ...From here on out, I’m all yours no da. Let’s spend our days together.
Chichiri: If one of us falls, the other will be there to help them stand.
Chichiri: If one of us cries, the other will be there to cheer them up.
Chichiri: From this night on, our paths will be one.
Chichiri: Will you make that vow with me no da?
You: ...Yes.
Chichiri: Then please stay here with me, [Your Name].
You: Yes!
Chichiri’s hands gripped in mine were warm and reassuring.
A few days passed...
After we sent Misaki-chan back to our original world—
Finally, I wished for Chichiri and I to be together in this world.
A few months later—
Chichiri and I started traveling the world together.
And, on the anniversary of the day I’d first arrived in this world...
You: Say... Chichiri. Where the heck are we going?
Chichiri: It’s a secret no da.
You: B-but...
Chichiri: It’s top secret. You know that no da.
Chichiri: Okay... We’re here no da.
As Chichiri spoke, a gentle breeze blew past me.

Never let it be said that this game doesn't have gorgeous artwork, because *gasps*
You: Wow...
It took my breath away. I was at a total loss for words.
Chichiri: You chose to protect this world. So I wanted to show you someplace beautiful within that world no da.
Countless cotton balls drifted about in the wind, climbing towards the blue sky.
Chichiri: I hope you’ll remember this, [Your Name] no da.
Chichiri: If you ever regret staying in this world, I hope you’ll remember this scene.
Chichiri: There may not be any perfect answers in this world, but—
Chichiri: When people truly and seriously think about their decisions, then there are no perfect mistakes, either.
Chichiri: There are sure to be plenty of beautiful and precious things in this world. Just like this view here... no da.
You: ...Mm. I’ve known that for a long time now.
Chichiri: Da?
You: Like whenever you look at me and give me a smile.
You: As long as I have that, then I’m sure I won’t have any regrets.
Chichiri: ...Da.
Within the swirl of cotton drifting slowly towards the sky, like snow falling in reverse, the two of us embraced.
It really is a beautiful world.
After Chichiri and I had set off on our trip together, I’d thought that everyday—
And sure enough, right at that moment, that was exactly how I felt.


This ending kills me every time. No, seriously. I just drowned in fluff bunnies. There is nothing that remains of me but a puddle of feels. (By the way, everyone reading this knows that Chichiri is my favorite character Of All Time In Any Medium, right?)

Admittedly one of the reasons I adore this ending is because it eerily and gorgeously echoes some of my old fanfiction (particularly that yes/no exchange), and it’s always super gratifying to realize that your understanding of a character was similar to an actual official writer of said character… but even taking that away, it’s just excellent writing, highlighting Chichiri’s own past trauma as well as the heroine’s strength that's been developing over the course of the game. Good stuff. I’m very glad we get to end on that note (for now, anyway).

So What’s Next?
A break, of sorts. Despite our lack of actual postings (technical difficulties abound on the cleaning/typesetting side of things), RolyBear IS still working on those Chihayafuru chapters, so I’m going to focus my attention on editing those for the time being. I’ve also got my hands full over at Josei Next Door, and there are some writing projects I’ve been neglecting in favor of this translation. So, I’m going to turn my attention toward those for a bit. If I do have some spare time I’ll work on that “clean up” of Ibun I’ve been promising for a while now, converting the translations to easily navigable PDF files, but that will be the extent of my work on Ibun for the next couple months.

That said, I will be back with more Ibun, although I haven’t decided if I want to go through the process of translating another character’s route yet or not. But I will be posting the “Suzaku Summoning Arc,” if nothing else, and if I opt to move away from Ibun for a while, then no doubt I’ll fill this blog with some other translation project instead (there are a few LNs I’ve been eyeballing, actually). But for now I’ll doff my kasa and thank you all for traveling with me, and sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed the thrills, feels, and occasional snarky commentary of these translations. I've really appreciated your support, and I hope to hear from you again on JND or in the comments of another translation project someday.


1 comment:

  1. Ah! The feels! So many of them! :p Wonderful job! Thank you for keeping with this until the very end! ^_^
