

Your Friendly Neighborhood Translator

I'm a writer, a translator, a book worm, and a basketball fan. I have bachelor's degrees in English and East Asian studies and a master's degree in Creative Writing. To pay the bills, I work as a technical writer. To not pay the bills, I devour novels and comics, watch far too much anime, and cheer very loudly for the Kansas Jayhawks.

I’ve been playing in the Interweb Sandbox for years, so we may have met before through fan sites, fanfiction, Gaia Online, or any number of other online forums and communities. These days I mostly write about anime, manga, and other geeky goodies. You can find me at these fine locations:
Please stop by to peruse my tweets, skim my posts, rock out to my nerdy playlists, or simply say "hello." I like company. ^_^

Your Friendly Neighborhood Blog

Kotobanzai is a play on the words kotoba (言葉), meaning "word(s)," and banzai (ばんざい), meaning "huzzah!" Since it's not a real word, it doesn't really mean anything, but I playfully translate it as "Long Live Lingo!" 
Think of it as my lighthearted mission statement: To provide entertaining translations and the occasional (equally entertaining) commentary on Japanese, English, and the wobbly bridge between them. Because languages are cool, and we should spend more time getting to know them.
Happy reading!