
July 13, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Daijiin Temple, Pt. 1 (Or, "The Sairou-jin Job")

Ni-hao and look at the size of this week's translation! Sorta makes up for last week's tidbit, yeah? Anyway, we're bustin' into the Daijiin this week. I'm sure our boys are going to be very sneaky about it, too. Especially Tasuki. He's SUPER good at being patient and quiet, after all.

Hit the jump for the first part in our temple robbery! Because who doesn't love a little blasphemous looting?

Return to the Daijiin
You: ...It's... my choice...
  • Break into the Daijiin
  • Don’t break into the Daijiin

Break into the Daijiin
You: ...Let’s break into the temple where the Kutou soldiers are stationed.
You: Our goal will be to either find the Shinzaho or gather intel on where it might be.
You: Be very careful, you guys.
Tasuki: Jus’ leave it ta us.
Nuriko: *chuckles* I’m all fired up...
Tamahome: Well, the Seiryuu gang will have all kinds of traps set for us.
Tamahome: It’s not a bad idea to set a trap for them, too.
You: Yeah... let’s do our best.
You: ...Does anyone object?
Chiriko: Your world is law, Priestess of Suzaku.
The others all nodded.
You: Okay then... c’mon guys, to the Daijiin!
Mitsukake: Is that the temple gate?
You: ...There are lookouts. Two of them.
Chiriko: They’ll raise the alarm to their companions. Let’s look for another way to sneak in.
Tamahome: We can move a little faster than that.
Tasuki: Real men bust right through the front door!
You: W-wait, you two! You can’t do that. We’d draw too much attention that way!
Kutou Soldier: Hnn! I don’t recognize that voice! Who’s there!?
Urk... I’ve got no choice. I’ll have to trick ‘em!
You: U-um, it’s me!
Kutou Soldier: ...What, a child? What are you doing here?
You: Er... well, I got a little lost, and...
Kutou Soldier2: Oh, it’s some brat...
Soldier2: I was hoping it’d at least be a halfway decent-lookin’ lady...
You: U-um...
Although it does bother me that... I have zero sex appeal...
Solider1: Oh? I think she’s kinda my type.
Soldier1: Hey, little lady. How’d you like to shoot the breeze with us for a bit?
You: Er... well, uh... I’m sorta more concerned about my life right now...
Soldier1: Don’t be such a stick in the mud. C’mon, let’s have some fun.
Tamahome: Hey, buddy. You better watch your mouth.
Tasuki: What exactly were y’all exposin’ our boss to?
Soldier1: Wh-what!?
Tamahome & Tasuki: JUDGMENT!!
You: So despite of what I told them...
Mitsukake: …Fortunately, they’re unconscious. Let’s get inside for now.
You: ...Mitsukake, you’re really taking this in stride.
Mitsukake: I’ve gotten used to these two making a mess of things.
You: I don’t really... want to get used to that...

==Scene: Temple Hallway==
You: This temple is… magnificent~
Tasuki: It’s way less defended than we thought. There’s no one around...
You: Mm... I’ve kinda... got a bad feeling about this.
Chichiri: That’s our Priestess. She has good instincts no da.
Chichiri: This is quite the temple. It’s filled with a strange, unknown power no da.
You: think?
Chichiri: ...Da. And it’s malevolent too no da.
You: Malevolent...
You: ...You guys, let’s tread carefully, okay?
Tasuki: Don’t be stupid! This is the chance we’ve been waitin’ for!
You: T-Tasuki, you’re so loud.
Tasuki: Just poke yer head inta every nook ‘n’ cranny so we can hurry up ‘n’ say good-bye ta this dreary place.
Tasuki: For example, say they’re hidin’ a treasure behind this door.
You: Ah, just a sec! If you just go around throwing doors open willy-nilly...

==Scene: Temple Door==
You: ...Sorry to bother you.

==Scene: Temple Hallway==
You: ...Wh...wh...what? Was that…?
Chiriko: ...P-perhaps they were all monks undergoing training?
Nuriko: Our eyes... totally just met.
You: They were looking right at me...
Tasuki: I-I get why that was a crappy idea now.
You: Wh-what’s going on…?
Chichiri: It’s a trap no da~!!
Tamahome: Run!
You: I knew it~!
Training Monk: *raspy breathing*...
You: Why are they coming after us in total silence!?
Tamahome: H-hell if I know!
Chiriko: I-it’s strange. They aren’t calling out to their companions.
You: ...And more of them showed up while we were talking!
You: They just started pouring out of the doorways. And they look just like the others...!
Tamahome: Tch... Surrounded, huh?
You: Better question, why are they all mutes?
Tasuki: No kiddin’! These’re some dreary guys!
Tasuki: Speak up - and put some feelin’ into it, why dontcha?
Training Monk: Hisssss!
You: H-hiss?
Chichiri: Their life forces are...
Chichiri: Th-this is really bad no da! Everyone, get ready for a fight no da~!
Training Monk: *snarls*
You: Eh... what... what... are they!?
Tamahome: Damn, that was one helluva good premonition ya had earlier.
Mitsukake: …This place really is full of malicious energy.
Nuriko: Th-there’s no way... they’re gonna, like, transform into demons, right...?
You: ...I hope not.
You: Wh-whooa, they did transform!!
Tamahome: Are you freakin’ kidding me!?
Chiriko: ...Does this look like a joke to you?
Goblin: Hiss!
Tamahome: N-no! It really doesn’t!
You: Eeeeek!
At the moment a claw reached for me, someone grabbed me from behind.
Chiriko: Are you all right?
You: Ch-Chiriko!? Th... thanks.
Chiriko: It’s nothing... more importantly, we’ve got to do something about this...
Tasuki: ...This is ridiculous... (1)
Faster than the claws could move, Nuriko rammed into Tasuki, shoving him out of the way.
Nuriko: …Th-that was close!
Tasuki: Y...yeah. I owe ya one.
Nuriko: Then you can pay me back right now!
Tasuki: You got it!
—The flames mowed down the enemies around us.
You: T-Tasuki... that was amazing!
Chichiri: ...Now it’s my turn no da.
You: Ch-Chichiri?
Chichiri: You can get behind me no da.
Chichiri: …I’m going all-out to protect the priestess! I’ll take them down with a single chi blast no da!
Chichiri: This is everything I’ve got no da~!!
—The shockwave flew at the goblin horde, and—
You: It tore them... to pieces...
Mitsukake: Incredible...
Tasuki: Remind me never ta get on his bad side...
Chiriko: He created an opening! Let’s go!
You: Mm! Let’s go! Chichiri!
Chichiri: ...Da~
You: Ch-Chichiri!?
Chichri: I used too much of my strength... You can just leave me here no da...
Chichiri staggered, but Mitsukake was there to steady him.
Mitsukake: This is no time to be cracking jokes. Come on!
You: Mm! Thanks, Mitsukake!
Chichiri: I sure keep good company no da—
—At any rate, we ran and ran, on and on like that, with those goblins chasing us.
Tasuki: J-jus’ how long are we gonna have ta keep this up!?
Chiriko: …Their movements are too concerted. If I’m not mistaken, someone is controlling them.
Chiriko: We need to find the person controlling them and cut off the power at the source. There is no other way.
You: But that’s impossible, too! Look! A dead-end!
Mitsukake: No, it isn’t! There’s a door!
You: There! I see it!
We barely managed to reach the door, but...
You: Ah... It won’t ope~en!
Goblin: Hiss-SHAAAAA!
Chiriko: Th-they’re still following us. At this rate, we’ll be...
Tasuki: Okay, okay, ya don’t gotta say it!

[Dialog options]
  • If Nuriko is in your party
  • If Nuriko is not in your party

If Nuriko is in your party
If Nuriko is not in your party
Nuriko: Leave this one to me!
You: N-Nuriko!?
Nuriko: When pushing and pulling won’t work...!

*screen shakes*
Nuriko: ...HAH!!
Nuriko: Then you smash it down and make your own road.
You: ...I learned something new today.
Nuriko: We’d better get moving!
You: Mm!
Tamahome: Step aside, [Your Name].
You: Tamahome!?
Tamahome: This one’s mine!

*screen shakes*
You: ...No way... A door this thick, just like that?
Tamahome: You know it!
Tamahome: I’ll do anything to keep you safe!
Tamahome: Now let’s go!
You: ...Mm!

==Scene: Temple Doorway==
When we entered the room, we piled up all of the furniture in front of the door, blocking it from the inside.
You: Do you think we’re... safe for now?
Tasuki: Well... we can take a breather, anyway.
Chiriko: It’s quite a dim room...
You: Hm... what…? Is someone there?
???: Nicely done. You managed to make it this far.
???: Well, I was the one who used those goblins to guide you here, but...
You: Who’s there!? Who the heck are you!?
Tamahome: Hup!
—Tamahome opened up a hole in the wall so that light could enter the room.
There were a massive number of goblins in there with us. And it looked like they were guarding—
You: Misaki-chan!!
Misaki: *breathing*...
???: Your opponent is not Misaki-sama, Priestess of Suzaku.

Who leaves a baby in charge of a temple?! See, Sairou, that was your first mistake.
???: It is I.
Chiriko: ...Are you the Supreme Patriarch?
???: Indeed...
Chiriko: Why is the Supreme Patriarch of Sairou here with the Priestess of Seiryuu!?
Chiriko: Unless... Are you an imposter?
???: *chuckles* One could say you are both correct and mistaken.
Miboshi: I am one of the Seiryuu Celestial Warriors, Miboshi. And, for the time being, I am the Daijiin’s Supreme Patriarch.
Chiriko: ...You were controlling those goblins, weren’t you…?
Miboshi: *chuckles*... You’re quite perceptive, youngster.
Tasuki: I really don’t give a damn about your backstory.
Mitsukake: Hand over the Shinzaho and release that young woman!
Miboshi: Those are exceedingly one-sided terms. I’m not inclined to accept them.
Miboshi: It won’t be long before I have it myself.
Tamahome: What’s that supposed to mean?
Miboshi: I hope you enjoy playing with my goblins while you’re here.
Miboshi: Now let’s be off, Misaki-sama.
Misaki: ...All right.
You: H-hold it! Where are you planning to take Misaki-chan!?
Miboshi: What would be the point in telling you? My goblins are going to kill and eat you, after all.
You: M-Misaki-chan! Wait!
Goblin: *snarls*
You: Urk...
Mitsukake: There’s no escaping them this time?
You: Misaki-chan... why…?
Chiriko: …
Chiriko: [Your Name]-san. Please choose two warriors to accompany you out of here.
Chiriko: The rest of us will clear a path for you.
You: What…? But then, the rest of you will...
Chiriko: The Suzaku Warriors won’t die because of something this trivial.
You: ...Chiriko...
You: Okay.
Tamahome: Whoever you take with you, you should probably choose quickly, yeah?
Mitsukake: Right. Seems that lot isn’t willing to wait.
You: Mm.
  • Appoint Tamahome
  • Appoint Nuriko
  • Appoint Chichiri
  • Appoint Tasuki
  • Appoint Mitsukake
  • Appoint Chiriko

And I have to choose one more.
  • [Same list, minus whoever you chose first]

[Dialog options]
  • If you don’t choose Tamahome
  • If you choose Tamahome but not Tasuki
  • If you choose Tamahome and Tasuki AND Chichiri is in your party
  • If you choose Tamahome and Tasuki AND Hotohori is in your party (Note: I don’t have this one yet)

If you don’t choose Tamahome
Tamahome: Hah!
Goblin: Hiss!
You: Tamahome, are you okay!?
Tamahome: Yeah. I’m the least of your worries.
Tamahome: Don’t screw this up, okay?
You: Right... and don’t you lose, either.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

If you choose Tamahome but not Tasuki
Goblin: Hiss!
Tasuki: Get goin’, [Your Name]!
Tasuki: I cleared a path fer ya!
You: Tasuki…
Tasuki: Yer goin’ after yer friend, right!?
Tasuki: So don’t worry about me!
You: ...Tasuki.
You: I promise we’ll see each other again!
Tasuki: Damn straight!
>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

If you choose Tamahome and Tasuki
Chichiri: Hah!
Goblin: Hiss!
Chichiri: And you’re off, no da! Off to get the Shinzaho and your friend no da!
You: Chichiri...
Chichiri: No need to worry no da. As you know, I’m pretty strong no da.
You: ...Yeah, I know.
You: I promise we’ll see each other again!
Chichiri: Da~
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Return to Standard Dialogue
You: ...We’re off!
I dashed down the path that the others had opened for me.


Translation Notes:
(1) “This is ridiculous...” - Japanese: こんなアホなことあるんか (kon’na AHO na koto aru’n ka). I suppose literally this is “There are these kinds of stupid things?” Obviously the literal is too clunky, but I feel like my version is a bit… off, I guess. Anyway, suggestions are welcomed.

...Also, if I told you how long it took me and my friends to decide on the correct term for a group of goblins (it's a "horde," of course), you would laugh at me. Like, a lot. ^^;

Walkthrough Notes: Picking your seishi companions
In the next parts of the game, the two seishi you choose will have different roles to play, and the dialogue changes depending on who you picked first and who you picked second. This leads to all kinds of variations, but I’ll do my best to cover them in the upcoming translations.

One thing to keep in mind for now, though, is Saving Chiriko. You need four “Favorability Points” (FP) to do this. If you’re trying to get just enough points to save him, then the best way to do it is to run to him during the storm on the ship (2 points) and then to choose him here (2 points). HOWEVER, for some reason, you HAVE to make him the first seishi you choose here. If you pick him second, he will still die. Make your selections carefully, friends!

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