
July 20, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Daijiin Temple, Pt. 2 (Or, "Weeping with the Enemy")


Little to say but lots to translate, so let's get into the next big chunk of the Daijiin Arc! There are lots of twisty little alternate versions here, so keep your eyes on the blue notes, and as always, please let me know if anything is unclear. And away we go!

==Scene: Temple Hallway==
You: Misaki-chan! Misaki-chan, where are you!?
I ran all over the temple, but I couldn’t find her.
Where are you, Misaki-chan...?
Goblin: Hiss!
You: Huh…?

[Dialog options]
The first seishi you chose to accompany you was:
[Note: I only have the ones marked in blue]
  • Tamahome
  • Hotohori
  • Nuriko
  • Chichiri
  • Tasuki
  • Mitsukake
  • Chiriko

Tasuki: Get yer gods damned hands off of her!!
Goblin: Hiss!
Tasuki: [Your Name]! You okay...!?
You: Ta...Tasuki.
Tasuki: You better hide out in that room. You’ll be safe there.
You: Um... Tasuki...
Tasuki: You can thank me later!
You: B-but...
Tasuki: Just get in there already!
Tasuki shoved me forcibly into the room.
You: But even I ought  to be able to do something...
Tasuki: Pray. That’s yer job, so I'm sure that'll be plenty.
And with that, Tasuki closed the door.
You: ...Okay. I’ll pray.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

Chichiri: Hah!!
His shockwave hit the goblin head-on.
Goblin: Hiss!
Chichiri: That was a close one no da.
You: Th-thanks, Chichiri.
Chichiri: If I let them harm a single hair on your precious head, the others would beat me black and blue no da!
You: *giggles* ...But seriously, thank you.
Goblin: Grrrr.
Chichiri: Now then... I’ll have to deal with his friends no da.
You: M-me too!
Chichiri: Battles like these are Suzaku Warrior business no da.
Chichiri: The Suzaku Priestess has her own battles to fight no da.
You: And what... are those...?
Chichiri: To have faith in your warriors and wait. I’m sure that’s a much more trying battle no da.
You: ...But...
Chichiri: [Your Name], I’d like you to understand where I’m coming from no da.
You: Okay. I’ll wait.
Chichiri smiled and slowly closed the door.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

Chiriko, Chibi of Action!
Chiriko: Look out!
Suddenly, the goblins burst into flame.
Goblin: GYAAA!
You: Chiriko... what the heck was that?
Chiriko: I threw the lamp that was being used to light the corridor.
Chiriko: It's the type that uses oil for fuel, so if you throw one, it will burn whatever it strikes... I supposed.
You: I... I see.
Goblin: Grrrr.
Chiriko: ...So an amount that small isn’t enough, is it...?
You: ...I’m sure there’s some other way to defeat them. We’ll keep trying.
Chiriko: No. Please hide in that room over there.
You: Ch-Chiriko! What’re you saying!?
Chiriko: It’s my job to keep you safe.
You: But...
Chiriko: I’m a Suzaku Warrior too, you know!
You: ...Chiriko...
Chiriko: Please. You’re going to save your best friend... right?
You: Okay. But Chiriko... don’t you dare die on me, okay?
Chiriko: Please leave everything to me.
And with that, Chiriko closed the door.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Return to Standard Dialogue
==Scene: Temple Door==
…I couldn’t hear anything after the door closed...
...I wonder if everyone’s okay.
You: ...They'll find a way to stay safe...
I tried to open the door so I could see what was going on outside.
You: Huh...?
You: Th-the door won’t open!?
You: ...Was that the sound of chains?
???: It’s pointless.
???: The door won’t open from the inside.
You: Who...?

A sexy man in chains appears! Did Ibun just become an eroge?
When I turned around, I saw a man bound in chains.
You: ...Who... in the world...?
???: I’m Tatara. One of the Byakko Celestial Warriors.
You: ...A Byakko Warrior.
You: Ah... I am the Priestess of Suzaku. My name is [Your Full Name].
Tatara: I thought as much. There’s no question you’re the Priestess of Suzaku.
You: ...What makes you say that?
Tatara: Those clothes of yours... they’re not of this world.
You: Oh, right...
Tatara: You must have come here to look for the Shinzaho.
You: ...I did. But how did you know that?
Tatara: That is the only reason a priestess from another nation would travel all the way here.
You: But what are you doing... in a place like this?
Tatara: I am the keeper of the Shinzaho.
You: ...You are...
You: Um... we’re on a journey to find that Shinzaho—
The door opposite the one I’d used swung open.
And into the room came—
Misaki: Tatara-san! Are you all right!?
Misaki: I caught Miboshi off-guard and stole the key from him.
Misaki: How awful, to hurt you like this… It must have been so painful...
You: Misaki-chan...
—The chains that had bound Tatara-san fell to the floor.
Misaki: Are you okay...?
Tatara: Yes. Thank you.
You: ...Misaki-chan.
You: ...Misaki-chan, why…?
You: The Seiryuu Warriors told me... they were controlling you, but...
Misaki: …The jutsu broke a long time ago.
Misaki: But I wasn’t sure what they’d do to me if they found out.
Misaki: So I kept pretending it was working.
Misaki: Sorry I tricked you.
Misaki: I’ve been wanting to run away for the longest time, but I didn’t have the courage.
Misaki: And then I saw you.
Misaki: I knew that you’d been looking for me.
Misaki: I wanted to be with you. I wanted to smile with you again.
Misaki: So this is all thanks to you.
Misaki: Thank you, [Your Name].
You: ...Misaki-chan.
  • Choose your words carefully
  • Discuss this calmly
  • Pull a Miaka Hug her happily
[Walkthrough Note: If you’re playing the Friendship Route, Option 2 gets you +1 Misaki Point. Option 3 gets you +2.]

Choose your words carefully
You: ...You’re really... all right?
Misaki: Huh...?
You: No... um... I just meant... I still can’t quite believe it.
You: That we’re together again, and that it’s really you,... I just can’t believe it.
Misaki: ...I—am me...
You: Mm... I know.
You: Sorry... I just...
Misaki: Oh, it’s no big deal. It’s all right.
You: I really am... sorry.
You: ...I’m... the worst…
>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

Discuss this calmly
You: Sorry...
You: I’m sorry, Misaki-chan!
You: I... should never have left you back there.
You: I’m sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t...
You: I should have... stayed right there with you!
I remember the day we first came to this world like it was yesterday.
I had been relying on Misaki-chan to be strong. I was scared, so I just shoved all the dangers onto her and ran away.
You: I’m really... so sorry.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

Hug her happily
You: Misaki-chan!
I dove into Misaki-chan’s arms.
You: ...I missed you so badly. And I wanted to tell you... how sorry I am.
You: ...I’m so glad... you’re safe...
Misaki: ...Are you gonna turn back into a crybaby?
You: But... I just...!
Misaki: Geez... You’re so dramatic...
>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

Return to Standard Dialogue
Misaki: I have a pretty good idea of how much you went through to get here.
Misaki: Thanks, [Your Name].
I couldn’t... stop the tears from falling.
Ever since Misaki-chan had ordered me to run from those terrifying men—
It had felt like a part of my heart had been frozen. But now it was finally starting to move again.
You: I’m sorry... Misaki-chan.
I wanted to just keep on telling her that forever.
Tatara: …*cough*... *hack*...
You: Ah, Tatara-san!
Misaki: I’m so sorry... are you all right?
Tatara: Yes… I’m fine. Sorry.
You: Are you not feeling well?
Misaki: ...I wish I’d come to help you sooner...
Tatara: Please don’t worry about it. I’m all right.
You: But you sound like you’re in a lot of pain...
Tatara: Looking after the Shinzaho has weakened me.
Tatara: Ninety years ago, my companion used her jutsu to “stop time for my body” so that I could keep protecting the Shinzaho.
Tatara: It isn’t an issue as long as I stay in the Byakko Shrine, but...
Tatara: Unfortunately, once I leave the shrine, the “aging within my body” speeds up.
You: That’s awful... Then we’ve got to hurry up and get you back to the Byakko Shrine.
Misaki: ...Tatara-san. Would you be willing to entrust the Shinzaho to her?
You: Huh…? What do you...?
Misaki: Considering Tatara-san’s condition, it’ll be hard for him to get away from the Seiryuu trackers.
Misaki: If he gives the Shinzaho to you, it’d force the Seiryuu trackers to split up.
Misaki: …[Your Name], you have friends here. And I’ll help too, of course.
Misaki: It’s a risky job, but I’ll make sure they don’t interfere.
Misaki: Sound good?
You: ...Mm.
You: But what do you think, Tatara-san...?
Tatara: It’s fine by me. I know I can trust you with this.
You: Tatara-san...
He placed some kind of seed in the palm of his hand... And softly closed his eyes.
And then—the seed began to grow rapidly.
Before long, the seed grew into a flower bud...
And inside the blooming flower... was a little mirror...
Misaki: ...So that’s where you were hiding it...
Tatara: This is... the Byakko Shinzaho.
You: ...Is it... a hand mirror?
Tatara: This is the hand mirror that Suzuno carried when she summoned Byakko.
You: Suzuno?
Tatara: Ninety years ago... the Byakko Priestess came to us from the same world where you two were born.
Tatara: I’m sure she’s still in that other world now, living happily.
Tatara: She was... the only woman I ever loved.
Misaki: ...Were the two of you together?
Tatara: Yes. Suzuno and I were in love.
Tatara: Everytime I look at that mirror, I remember her clearly. She was a long-haired, serene young woman.
You: ...But even though you were in love, you were torn apart from each other?
Tatara: ...Yes, that’s right.
Misaki: The priestess didn’t ask Byakko to let her stay in this world?
Tatara: She did, but that wish could not be granted.
Tatara: The priestess appears from another world, summons the beast-god, and has her wishes granted. That is the sole reason for her existence.
Tatara: By nature, her existence is incompatible with this world.
Tatara: Once the beast-god has been summoned, she is not allowed to remain here.
Tatara: Byakko told her this was the Law of Heaven.
You: She’s not allowed to stay in this world.
Then we can’t... be together...
Misaki: …[Your Name]? What’s wrong?
You: Oh... aah... it’s nothing. Never mind...
...There will come a time when I have to say farewell to the others...
Misaki: Oh... you’re...
You: Huh…what?
Misaki patted my shoulder and lightly brushed away my tears.
Misaki: Cheer up. I’m sure we’ll figure out something.
You: Misaki-chan...
Misaki: I’m gonna get us some water. Wait here.
Tatara: Priestess of Suzaku.
You: ...Yes, sir.
Tatara: If you’ve found someone in this world who’s important to you—
Tatara: Then I fear I’ve told you a heartbreaking story.
You: ...No... Thank you very much for telling me the truth.
...Either way, right now I should just try to focus on summoning Suzaku.
I owe so much to the Konan Empire. I have to save its people.
Misaki: I’ve got water.
You: ...Thanks.
It’ll be okay. I’m sure I’ll think of something.
If I don’t give up... then there’s always hope.
Misaki: Ah...
You: Th-the water’s...
Misaki: S-sorry! Here, mop it up with this handkerchief.
You: Oh... okay.
Misaki: Shoot. Even the Shinzaho got soaked...
Misaki: Lend it to me? I’ll dry it off.
Misaki-chan reached to take the Shinzaho—
  • Give the Shinzaho to Misaki
  • Hang on to the Shinzaho

Give the Shinzaho to Misaki
You: Oh… okay. Thanks.
...Must have been my imagination. For a second there, I got a nasty premonition.
Misaki: Thanks. I have some extra cloth, so I’ll be right back with that.
You: Okay...
—Misaki-chan got up and left the room.
—I heard the door close.
You: ...Huh...?
You: Misaki-chan? Why...  did you shut the door?
Misaki: You really are an idiot.
Misaki: As if I’d ever actually forgive you.
You: ...What are you...talking about?
Misaki: Back then... because you didn’t come back to help me, I...
You: ...Misaki-chan?
Misaki: And I... believed in you, too.
You: Hey, Misaki-chan!? What’s the matter!?
You: the door, okay!? We’ll escape together, okay!?
Misaki: So...
You: If... if you go alone, those Seiryuu Warriors will capture you!
You: Come back with me! With me and the others.
Misaki: Just shut up, would you!?
You: ...Misaki...chan...?
Misaki: I tricked you, dammit!
Misaki: I tricked you and stole the Shinzaho!
You: ...No way.
You: You wouldn’t do that, Misaki-chan! ...You’d never betray me.
Misaki: You’ve got some nerve, saying that now.
Misaki: You’re the one who betrayed me first!
Misaki: You never came back to help me!
You: Oh...
Misaki: I waited for so long, but you never came back for me!
>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

Hang on to the Shinzaho
You: Don’t!
The next thing I knew, I’d raised my voice so loud that it surprised even me, and clasped the Shinzaho tight.
Misaki: What…?
You: Oh...
You: ...Sorry, Misaki-chan...
You: I trust you, but... but I just can’t do that.
You: Because this is... our last hope.
Misaki: It’s okay. ...I’d do the same if I was in your shoes. No question.
Her lonely-looking smile... left me paralyzed.
—Misaki-chan got up and left the room.
—I heard the door close.
You: ...Misaki-chan?
Misaki: ...Sorry, [Your Name].
You: Misaki-chan, why...?
Misaki: I talked it over with the Seiryuu Warriors and this is how we decided to handle you and the Shinzaho.
You: Why... would you do something like that?
Misaki: Because we’re in the same position, you and I.
Misaki: I am the Priestess of Seiryuu, after all.
You: Misaki-chan! You’ve been tricked, Misaki-chan!
You: The Kutou Empire is just using you, that’s all!
Misaki: ...I won’t believe anything you tell me.
Misaki: And I… won’t forgive you.
The moment when Misaki-chan and I had split up came to mind.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Return to Standard Dialogue
You: ...Misaki-chan...
Back then, I’d thought Tamahome had saved Misaki-chan.
But even so—
If something happened to Misaki-chan while Tamahome was rescuing me, then that was my responsibility.
It was my fault—all of it.
Tatara: I’m not sure what just happened, but...
Tatara: You shouldn’t shoulder all of the blame.
Tatara: The weight of those sins will destroy you someday.
A plant that looked like ivy extended from Tatara-san’s hand and slipped through an opening in the door...
—And easily turned the lock.
The Seiryuu have the phone box Shinzaho
You have the Shinzaho
Tatara: I’m going after the Shinzaho. I can’t possibly allow it to be stolen so easily.
Tatara: I’ll go after her. I may be able to find a way to persuade her.

You: I... I’m going too!
Tatara: No, it’s better if you don't.
You: And why is that!?

The Seiryuu have the ShinzahoYou have the Shinzaho
Tatara: I’m certain you won’t be able to fight that girl.
You: But...
Tatara: I'm going to get the Shinzaho back.
Tatara: It’s the precious thing that connects me to Suzuno. I can’t possibly let them abuse its power.
Tatara: Because you’ll never be able to stand up to that girl.

—He left.
And before long—
—I could hear the sound of my friends opening the door to the room.
If there was just one thing I was determined to do, it was to save my best friend.
I’d explain the situation to the two of them, and then we’d go after Misaki-chan and Tatara-san.

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