
September 07, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc - The Konan Palace (Or, "O Koutei My Koutei")

Hey gang! I got some “Ibun” for ya. But first, an explanation: We’re entering Part 3 now, which has two versions: The “Suzaku Summoning Arc” and the “Seiryuu Summoning Arc.” You go to the Suzaku Arc if you return to the palace with the Shinzaho; you go to the Seiryuu Arc if you lost the two Shinzaho.

Now I have only actually played through the Seiryuu Arc, so that’s what you’ll be getting for the next several posts. At some point I’d like to go back and play the Suzaku Arc, but my focus right now is on getting a complete arc posted, so we’ll just focus on Seiryuu for now.

A second point to mention: I’m working on a second, time-sensitive translation project, so while I will do my best to continue to deliver “Ibun” snippets to y’all, don’t be surprised if Sunday rolls around and there’s no update. I don’t have a ton of free time, so “Ibun” may end up having to go on the backburner for the next month or so. I haven’t deserted it, though, I promise!

And to prove to you that I’m still steadfast in my resolve, here’s the nice, long (and total PIA to translate): Seiryuu Summoning Arc, Part 3, Chapter 1, in its entirety! Enjoy!