
September 07, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc - The Konan Palace (Or, "O Koutei My Koutei")

Hey gang! I got some “Ibun” for ya. But first, an explanation: We’re entering Part 3 now, which has two versions: The “Suzaku Summoning Arc” and the “Seiryuu Summoning Arc.” You go to the Suzaku Arc if you return to the palace with the Shinzaho; you go to the Seiryuu Arc if you lost the two Shinzaho.

Now I have only actually played through the Seiryuu Arc, so that’s what you’ll be getting for the next several posts. At some point I’d like to go back and play the Suzaku Arc, but my focus right now is on getting a complete arc posted, so we’ll just focus on Seiryuu for now.

A second point to mention: I’m working on a second, time-sensitive translation project, so while I will do my best to continue to deliver “Ibun” snippets to y’all, don’t be surprised if Sunday rolls around and there’s no update. I don’t have a ton of free time, so “Ibun” may end up having to go on the backburner for the next month or so. I haven’t deserted it, though, I promise!

And to prove to you that I’m still steadfast in my resolve, here’s the nice, long (and total PIA to translate): Seiryuu Summoning Arc, Part 3, Chapter 1, in its entirety! Enjoy!

~Part 3, Chapter 1~

==Scene: Throne Room==
You: ...Coming back here makes me kinda nostalgic.
Tamahome: Really? Feels to me like it was just yesterday.
Tamahome: I can still remember how shocked you looked when you found out you were the Priestess of Suzaku.
You: ...You were plenty surprised too, Tamahome.
Once we’d arrived in Eiyou, it wasn’t long before we were granted an audience with the emperor.
The room was emptied of people, leaving just our group.
You: ...It’s been a long time since we last saw Hotohori.
Chichiri: It sounds like Hotohori-sama’s been swamped as well no da.
Chichiri: From what I heard, he cleverly fended off the Kutou Empire’s unreasonable demands and managed to delay the start of the war.
You: Oh... Hotohori’s been fighting his own battles too, huh?
Chichiri: Da.
???: Thank you for your hard work, everyone.
That voice...

Oh joy, I get to translate your weirdass dialogue again. -_-

You: Hotohori!
Hotohori: You’re back.
You: Yes... we have returned.
Hotohori: ...I almost didn’t recognize you, Priestess of Suzaku.
Hotohori: You’ve returned safely from your odyssey.
Hotohori: As representative of the entire Konan Empire, I, Saihitei, offer you my thanks.
You: Thank you very much.
Hotohori: I’m truly grateful that you’re safe. I’m glad that we were able to meet again, [Your Name].
You: ...Yeah, me too.
Hotohori: Chichiri already told me what happened.
Hotohori: It seems you went through a great deal.
You: ...Mm.
=Flashes black=
=Return to the throne room=
…A little time passed after that, and then a lot of people gathered together in the audience chamber.
Everyone in the room was focused on Hotohori.
Hotohori: Everyone, We'd like you to listen.
Hotohori: The Kutou Empire has obtained the two Shinzaho, and now possess all that they require to summon Seiryuu.
Hotohori: It is likely that Kutou is preparing to march on Our borders.
Hotohori: They plan to begin with Konan, and then go on to rule all of the four great empires.
Hotohori: The Kutou Emperor thinks that, if the land of the four gods is under his control, then he will monopolize the power of the four gods as well.
Unable to contain their anxiety, the people’s voices spilled out, filling the chamber.
When Hotohori tried to raise his voice again—
*distant rumble*
You: Th-that sound! What is it?!
Chichiri: ...Seiryuu’s being summoned no da!
Hotohori: Indeed... We daresay they are in the act of stripping us of our power.

[Dialog Options]

  • With Chiriko
  • Without Chiriko

With Chiriko
Chiriko: ...Which likely means they’ll seal all of Suzaku’s power.
You: What happens after it’s been sealed?
Chiriko: All of our special abilities will vanish.
Chiriko: Including mine... Look...
You: Your Celestial symbol’s... disappearing...
You: But... Chiriko, it doesn’t seem like you’ve changed.
Chiriko: I’m sure it’s because I’ve matured as a person during our journey.
Chiriko: However, I can tell I’m not as intelligent now.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Without Chiriko
Mitsukake: So Suzaku’s power has been sealed...
You: What do you mean?
Mitsukake: We won’t be able to use the special powers that were granted to us.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Return to Standard Dialogue
Tasuki: No fire came out.
Tasuki: This is bad...
Civil Servant 1: B-but now we have no means of fighting Kutou...
Civil Servant 1: They have the might of their soldiers and the blessing of Seiryuu. Compared to that, we... And now we’ve even lost Suzaku’s divine protection.
Civil Servant 2: What the hell has the Priestess of Suzaku been doing?
Civil Servant 3: Exactly! What’s wrong with the Priestess of Suzaku!?
...I... failed...
My head was filled with regrets and apologies.
—The noise in the room grew louder.
When I opened my mouth to apologize—
Hotohori: Silence!
—Everyone fell silent at the sound of Hotohori’s voice.
Hotohori: Exactly when did you all lose your pride!?
Hotohori: The Priestess of Suzaku began her life as a girl from another world.
Hotohori: A girl we dragged into our battles, at our convenience. Nothing more than that!
Hotohori: And yet this girl should bear all the responsibility upon her shoulders!? Have you no pride!?
No one responded...
Hotohori: Until today, you have all worked hard for Us, for a moment such as this.
Hotohori: The Sairou Empire thinks it in their national interest and has promised to fight alongside us.
Hotohori: In order to protect our world, we shall take up the sword. That is the issue here.
You: ...Hotohori...
Konan Soldier: A report! A report for your Highness!
Hotohori: What is it?
Konan Soldier: Kutou has begun the invasion!
Konan Soldier: Currently, the First Imperial Army is engaging them at the Konan-Kutou border, but—
Konan Soldier: The enemy outnumbers us three-to-one.
Konan Soldier: I fear they may have already penetrated our border...
Hotohori: ...I see...
Hotohori: We appreciate your work in bringing Us this report. You should retire for now.
Konan Soldier: Yes, Majesty!
Hotohori: ...It has begun at last.
You: This is all my fault...
Tamahome: ...Now’s not the time for regrets.
Tasuki: Damn straight. It ain’t like you ta give up without a fight.
Nuriko: We’re going to show you what a dramatic comeback looks like.
Hotohori: Right. It’s still too early to give up.
Hotohori: Everyone, listen well!
Hotohori: We must turn the bulk of our forces to the Konan border.
Hotohori: After we have merged with the Sairou Army, which is heading this way, then we shall engage the Kutou Army in a decisive battle.
Civil Servant 1: That’s absurd... Without the divine protection of our god, what chance do we have...?
Hotohori: The enemy outnumbers us three-to-one. Even after we join up with the Sairou Army, We do not expect to have the numbers great enough to achieve victory.
Hotohori: However, we have one thing which they do not.
Hotohori: Our enemy’s sword is a stolen one. A sword controlled by nothing but desire is a brittle, weak weapon.
Hotohori: However, we wield our sword in order to protect others.
Civil Servant: Hotohori-sama...
Hotohori: Cast aside thoughts about protecting “the nation.”
At Hotohori’s words, the atmosphere in the room began to change.
Hotohori: That is not what we fight to protect. (1)
From discontent to courage. From anxiety to anticipation. From fear to belief.
It was changing...
Hotohori: Grasp firm your pride and take up your sword! Justice is at the heart of Our battle!
Civil Servant 1: I... I will fight...
Civil Servant 2: And I. I will fight as well!
Civil Servant 3: I will take up the sword to defend what must be defended!
Civil Servant 4: O Captain My Captain!!
Hotohori: And most of all, to the courageous warriors of Konan!
Hotohori: I, Hotohori, know that you are determined.
Hotohori: Tomorrow, we will begin our march. Tonight, we must each prepare for battle!
You: Wow... they’re cheering...
Mitsukake: I’d expect nothing less.
Nuriko: Goodness, I’m simply no match for that man.
Nuriko: He’s made me want to fight with everything I’ve got, too.
Tasuki: Aw’right! We’re gonna tear it up out there!
Chiriko: He’s shown them that victory is at least possible.
Chiriko: Now, for us, it’s a matter of how far that possibility can extend.
You: ...I’m going... to fight too.
You: Please. I couldn’t bear to be a burden!
You: Take me with you.
Tamahome: ...I knew you’d say that.
Tamahome: There’s nothing for you to feel guilty about—
Tamahome: —But even if I say that, you still plan on comin’, huh?
You: ...Mm.
Tamahome: Fair ‘nuff. We’ll stick together ‘till the very end.
Tasuki: Yer so stubborn. Even if we told ya ta stay here, ya wouldn’t listen.
Mitsukake: We’ll keep each other safe.
Chichiri: It’s the Celestial Warriors’ job to support the Priestess of Suzaku.
Nuriko: I’m positive there’ll be something that only you can do.
You: Hotohori! I’m coming, too.
Hotohori: But of course. You are a symbol of the nation.
Hotohori: It will raise everyone’s morale if you come along.
You: ...Thank you.
Within the bustling hall, we all nodded at each other.
There wasn’t a single person in that room who felt despair.


Translation Notes:
(1) Man, I’d almost forgotten how much I hate translating for Hotohori. Almost. Anyway, original Japanese: この戦いはそんなものを守るための戦いでは断じてない(kono tatakai ha son’na mono wo mamoru tame no tatakai de ha danjitenai). I may have written this down incorrectly but I haven’t had time to replay this portion of the game to check. My version is loose as hell and I’m honestly not even sure I could give a literal translation - something like: “[I] don’t conclude that this battle is a battle for the sake of protecting those things.” This whole speech was a hassle to translate, to be honest, and I am (as always) happy to hear alternate interpretations.


  1. Still appreciate all of the hard work you put into your translations! ^_^ Thank you!

  2. Replies
    1. It sure is! It's called "Suzaku Ibun," a visual novel retelling of the original manga/anime where you play as the Priestess of Suzaku and get to save the day and romance your warrior of choice.

      It never got a U.S. release, so I translated a couple of arcs as a hobby a few years back.
