
November 30, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc - The Kutou War, Pt. 1 (Or, "A Good Miko Goes to War")

Ni-hao, gang!

I'm on holiday this weekend but I managed to get this queued up before I left, and it's a longer piece as promised. Onwards, noble readers! To battle!

==Scene: Konan Courtyard==
...The next morning.
We—the Konan Army, along with the me and my Celestial Warriors—began our march to intercept the Kutou Army.
You: ...It’s really lively out here.
Hotohori: We have gathered for the sole purpose of turning back the Kutou invasion.
Hotohori: If we fall, then there will be no one to defend our country. Everyone is setting their hopes on us.
You: ...Mm.
Capital Citizen 1: I-it’s Hotohori.
Capital Citizen 2: The Priestess of Suzaku’s here, too!
Capital Citizen 2: Three cheers for the Konan Army!!
Capital Citizen 1: We beg of you... Please save Konan—save the world!
You: Wow... They really are counting on us.
Hotohori: I hope you will have faith in yourself and reach out to them. Give them peace of mind.
You: Mm...
Hotohori: Look at that.
Tasuki: That’s right! I, th’ Great Tasuki, am gonna settle this whole the mess an’ save ya! So y'all just relax here an’ wait fer us!
You: Tasuki, you’re in high spirits.
Hotohori: As he should be. Why don’t you give it a try, too?
You: Huh…? Oh n-no, I'm good.
Chichiri: No need to be shy no da.
You: Chichiri...
Chichiri: Words from the Priestess of Suzaku would really give them courage no da.
You: Y-you think so…?
Well, then...
You: Everyone... You don't need to worry.
You: Ours is a sword that protects others.
You: It carries more weight than a sword that attacks or kills!
You: I guarantee we’ll win!
Th-they’re really going wild...

Waithow is it that the poorest of the seishi is the only one who gets armor? WHOSE CORPSE DID YOU ROB, TAMAHOME?
Tamahome: Man, that was somethin’ else.
You: Ah... A-all I did was borrow from Hotohori’s speech...
Mitsukake: That’s nothing to be ashamed of. It was very impressive.
You: Y-you think so too, Mitsukake…?
Nuriko: Surprise surprise, you just might be cut out for this job after all.
You: You don’t have to tease me that much... geez.
Chiriko: From a strategic viewpoint, we are not in an advantageous situation...
Chiriko: But just now, I genuinely wanted to nod along with what you said.
You: ...Mm.
A lot of people watched as we set off.
You: Let’s… go to battle...

==Scene: Sky==
…We left the city and kept marching.
Little by little, the expressions on the faces of both the Celestial Warriors and the soldiers hardened.
We stopped marching just after noon.
Beneath the gaze of a city and a massive wall, there stretched a wasteland that would serve as the stage for our battle.

==Scene: Wasteland==
Hotohori: Chichiri ex Machina scouted ahead and had much to report to me.
Hotohori: …A few days ago, the Kutou Army broke through our border patrol. They are on the march to take our territory in one fell swoop.
Hotohori: The enemy has also become aware of our alliance with Sairou.
Hotohori: They have decided to push the march forward all at once, before we can join forces.
Hotohori: The Kutou Army will intercept us here, in Kakou City.
Hotohori: I fear it likely that the decisive battle will occur today, before night has even fallen.

[Dialog options]
  • With Chiriko
  • Without Chiriko

With Chiriko
Chiriko: The Sairou Army is meeting us here.
Chiriko: Or rather, we have no choice but to meet here.
Chiriko: While we put up a facade of intercepting the enemy, Sairou will charge in from the side, destroying the enemy’s formation, and join us here.
Chiriko: If we’re completely surrounded before the Sairou army’s arrival, it will spell the end for us.
Chiriko: Kutou would commence their offensive on our nation, with Kakou City as their starting point.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Without Chiriko
Chichiri: I looked into the state of affairs in both the Sairou and Kutou Armies no da.
Chichiri: We’d planned to have the Sairou Army join up with the Konan Army here in Kakou City, but...
Chichiri: Unfortunately, we’re going to end up clashing with the Kutou Army earlier than that no da.
Chichiri: In a few hours, the Konan Army will have to hold off the Kutou Army’s on its own.
Chichiri: If we’re surrounded, we won’t have any way to fight back. And Kutou would launch themselves upon our country, beginning with Kakou City no da.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Return to Standard Dialogue
Tasuki: Then we’ll just have ta hit 'em before they hit us.
Tamahome: Simple enough.
Nuriko: I’m raring to go.
You: ...But doesn’t the enemy drastically outnumber us?
You: How are we ever going to win...?

[Dialog options]
  • With Chiriko
  • Without Chiriko

With Chiriko
Chiriko: We spent a great deal of time discussing that last night.
You: Chiriko...
Chiriko: Unfortunately, with Suzaku sealed away, our abilities as a group have been restricted.
Chiriko: However, not all of the special powers that belong to the Celestial Warriors originated from Suzaku.
Chiriko: It isn’t as if Tamahome-san’s, Tasuki-san’s, or Nuriko-san’s physical abilities have been entirely lost to them...
Chiriko: And Chichiri-san’s ability to use senjutsu comes first and foremost from his training under Taiitsukun.
Chiriko: Although we seem somewhat impaired without Suzaku’s divine protection...
Chiriko: We are still strong.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Without Chiriko
Mitsukake: Last night everyone came up with some countermeasures to deal with that.
You: Mitsukake...
Mitsukake: Unfortunately, with Suzaku sealed away, our abilities as a group have been restricted.
Mitsukake: And I won’t be able to use my healing abilities.
Mitsukake: However, not all of the special powers that belong to the Celestial Warriors originated from Suzaku.
Mitsukake: Tamahome’s, Tasuki’s, and Nuriko’s physical strengths and Hotohori-sama’s skill with a sword haven’t been entirely lost to them.
Mitsukake: And Chichiri’s ability to use senjutsu comes first and foremost from his training under Taiitsukun.
Mitsukake: We seem a little impaired without Suzaku’s divine protection, but...
Mitsukake: We’re still going strong.
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Return to Standard Dialogue
Chichiri: Da—!
Hotohori: It’s very likely that our enemies think that we, the Celestial Warriors, are entirely powerless.
Hotohori: We can use that to our advantage.
Hotohori: If the Sairou Army launches a surprise attack, it will cause disorder among the enemy ranks.
Hotohori: Then we, the Celestial Warriors, will launch ourselves into the heart of the enemy’s army, where we’ll find Nakago and the Priestess of Seiryuu.
You: H-how are we gonna do that?
Chichiri: I’ll use my convenient plot hole teleportation no da.
You: ...I see.
Hotohori: It’s fair to say that everything comes down to how we handle this battle.
Hotohori: The many brave soldiers who have gathered here, and the people of Konan who have put their trust in those soldiers—we must be certain to protect them all.
You: ...Mm. We can’t fail this time.
Nuriko: …It’s do-or-die.
Tasuki: Sounds good. Let’s settle this thing in one go.
You: ...I’m... coming too.
Hotohori: Of course... We’d intended to have you come with us.
You: Really...?
Tamahome: What? You’re surprised?
You: I figured you’d tell me I couldn’t ‘cause it’d be too dangeorus.
Mitsukake: We’re on a battlefield. You’ll be facing the same amount of danger no matter where you are.
Chiriko: Especially when you consider that our defeat would mean the annihilation of the Konan Army.
Tamahome: ...And maybe you can help Misaki, too.
You: ...Mm!
Tasuki: How’s about it, Priestess of Suzaku? Give yer warriors a pep talk.
You: Mm...
You: ...When this battle is over...
You:  ...Everyone standing here now will still be standing.
You: Survive.
You: That’s not a request.
You: It’s an order!
Mitsukake: Right.
Tasuki: You got it!
Chichri: Na no da!
Nuriko: Naturally.
Chiriko: I will!
Hotohori: For the sake of the Konan Empire, and for the sake of protecting your words, I shall not die.
Tamahome: What was that? I don’t think I heard you right.
Tamahome: Let’s win this thing.
You: Mm!

TIM’S BACK!! How much ya wanna bet he just got upgraded to Official Konan Redshirt?
(And while we’re on the subject, why is this guy still in the military in the first place? Didn’t he attack a bunch of court ladies at the beginning of the game? Is it really a good idea to let him carry around a sword after all that?)

Konan Soldier: Reporting, sir!!
Konan Soldier: Kutou’s general, Nakago, and the Seiryuu Priestess have approached the ramparts!!
You: ...Wh-why would they do that?
Hotohori: ...I suppose you’d call it a pre-war greeting. It’s time.
Konan Soldier: Our archers stand at the ready, sir.
Hotohori: Do not have them fire upon Nakago. It will only serve to dishearten Our soldiers.
Konan Soldier: Yes, sir!
Hotohori: Their demands?
Konan Soldier: A meeting with the Priestess of Suzaku.
All eyes turned to me.
You: Okay... I’ll meet with them.
You: But I get to choose someone to come with me.
Konan Soldier: Yes, ma’am! I’ll inform the enemy of your conditions.

[Dialog options triggered by the seishi with the most FP (or possibly just with the one who has 8+ FP). This affects bits of dialog throughout the battle]
  • Tamahome
  • Hotohori
  • Nuriko
  • Chichiri
  • Tasuki
  • Mitsukake
  • Chiriko

You: Chichiri.
Chichiri: I’ll be right there with you, [Your Name] no da.
You: Tasuki.
Tasuki: ...I’ll keep ya safe as a man, not as a Celestial Warrior.

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