
November 23, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc, Prewar Professions (Tasuki Edition)

Ni-hao, minna-san! And I've returned with the Tasuki Nighttime Rendezvous, as promised! So hit that jump to have a little more love before we go off to make war next week.

==Scene: Bedchamber at Night==
We readied ourselves for tomorrow’s battle, then retired to our rooms early.
But... I just couldn’t get to sleep.
I’d been useless from start to finish...
I hadn’t been able to do anything. Those were the only words that remained in my heart.

[Dialog Options]
Triggered if you have at least 8 FP for one of the following:
  • Tamahome
  • Hotohori
  • Nuriko
  • Chichiri (Click here)
  • Tasuki (Scroll down)
  • Mitsukake
  • Chiriko

*knock knock*
You: Yes...?
Tasuki: Heya, I’m comin’ in.
You: Y-you have to wait for a girl to give permission before you do that!
Tasuki: Ohhh... Sorry. That's a bad habit-a mine.
You: …Did it go okay? The war council, I mean.
Tasuki: This is a battle between troops. Bandit tactics don’t much apply.
Tasuki: An’ besides... The whole damn lot of ‘em wouldn’t shut up about ya, so I came t'check up on you.
You: Why... me...?
Tasuki: With a face that glum-lookin’, anyone would be worried.
You: ...So I... look glum, huh?
Tasuki: Sure do.
You: Sorry... That must be annoying...
Tasuki: Sure is. You just keep on annoyin’ me.
You: ...Sorry...
Tasuki: And that’s why ya gotta stop apologizin’!
You: Huh...?
Tasuki: Is anyone here blamin’ ya?
Tasuki: Ain’t no one like that here.
You: But... I... I’ve been so useless...
You: I couldn’t even get the Shinzaho, so...
Tasuki: ...Yeesh, yer beatin’ yerself up waaay too much.
You: But...
Tasuki: Ahh dammit, shut up already!
—The next thing I knew, I was wrapped in Tasuki’s arms.
You: T-Tasuki! Is this really the time...?
Tasuki: Well just talkin’ to ya wasn’t gettin’ through to ya.
Tasuki: So I’m showin’ ya, too.
You: Showing me... w-what, exactly...?
Tasuki: That a guy who don’t even like girls can hold ya like this.
Tasuki: Or somethin’ like that...
You: ...Why’s that?
Tasuki: ‘C-cause I... like ya...
You: Huh...?
Tasuki: Nah, that ain't right.
Tasuki: It's more like I’m head over heels in love with ya.
Tasuki: You never once gave up.
Tasuki: Even though ya’ve always been so fragile, when the time came for it, you’d show real spirit and pull us all together.
Tasuki: I was real proud of ya.
Tasuki: An’ ‘cause I kept protectin’ a person like that, I got so I was proud-a myself, too.
Tasuki: Warts ‘n’ all.
Tasuki: So ya shouldn’t go gettin’... so down on yerself.
You: But... I...
Tasuki: Couldn’t get th’ Shinzaho? Dummy. Anyone else woulda run away with their tail between their legs a long time ago.
Tasuki: Ta fight those Seiryuu guys and still make it back here in one piece—
Tasuki: Yer the one who did that, an’ no one else.
Tasuki: So... do me a favor 'n’... don’t look so sad, okay?
Tasuki: I like you even better when yer smilin’.
You: ...Tasuki.
Tasuki: Well... I’m sure that someone like Tamahome or... Hotohori is more yer type.
Tasuki: I’m prob’ly gettin’ on yer nerves, sayin’ all this, but...
You: Huh...?
You: Why would you think that?
Tasuki: ...That’s just kinda how it looks.
You: Of course not. I like the others, but...
You: But, um... I like them as friends...
You: The... one I like is...
You: Is you... Tasuki...
Tasuki: ...L-liar. You fakin’ that smile ‘r somethin’!?
You: I ain’t fakin’
You: ...I like you.
Tasuki: Man...
Tasuki: Maaaan! There go a whole buncha my worries!
You: ...T-Tasuki... That kinda hurts.
Tasuki: O-ohh! Sorry ‘bout that!
Tasuki: You don’t gotta worry ‘bout a thing now!
Tasuki: This is me we’re talkin’ about!
Tasuki: I ain’t about t’show my woman a bad time!
You: Eh... wai—Tasuki!?

THIEF! Of hearts, that is. ~_^
He pulled me towards him and our lips met.
It was so sudden that I couldn’t even resist...
Tasuki squeezed me to him, holding me tightly in his arms.
I didn’t mind, though.
Because I could tell that he was thinking about me, not himself.
“I’m right here with you.” That’s what it felt like he was telling me.
You: …
Tasuki: ...Wait, why’re you mad?
You: ...Y-you were too pushy...
I wasn’t actually mad, but I was a little embarrassed.
Tasuki: Eh…? B-but—it was that kinda mood, wasn’t it?
You: Th-that doesn’t mean you can just… y’know, kiss me out of the blue like that...
Tasuki: You say that, but...
You: *giggles*...
Tasuki: ...What’s so funny?
You: We’re going into this huge battle tomorrow, and yet we’re...
You: This isn’t even remotely “that kind of” mood. *giggles*
Tasuki: P… pipe down. Yer th’ one who’s killin’ th’ mood!
All those heavy feelings of pain and anxiety were disappearing.
You: I... I’m sorr... ahahahaha, i-it’s just so ridiculous.
It was so totally ridiculous. I laughed so hard that tears came to my eyes.
Tasuki: Ah, that’s okay.
Tasuki: We can pick this up when we get back.
You: Huh...?
Tasuki: The enemy way outnumbers us an' Suzaku’s power’s been sealed, but none-a that means a damn thing.
Tasuki: We’re gonna fight, an’ win, an’ make it through this thing t’gether...
Tasuki: An’ pick up right where we left off.
Tasuki: Don’t go thinkin’ this is gonna end with just a kiss, ya hear!?
You: ...Hmph... Challenge accepted, then.
We looked at one another, both of us blushing bright red—
Tasuki: So don’t die, okay…?
You: ...That goes double for you, Tasuki.

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