
July 27, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Daijiin Temple, Pt. 3 (Or, "The Good, the Bad, and the Byakko")


Another big chunk of Ibun today as we at last gallop towards the end of Part 2, Chapter 2! I won't be posting any translations next week since I'll be on holiday, so I figured I'd wrap up the Daijiin Arc this week and give everyone a moment to catch their breaths before we move on to the next big plot point.

We've got a big Multiverse Moment this week, so keep your eyes peeled for the "dialog options," and here's hoping you got those 4 Favorability Points (FP) for Chiriko! Otherwise, well... you might wanna get those tissues ready. ;_;

Hit the jump for murder, mayhem, and Miboshi!

July 20, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Daijiin Temple, Pt. 2 (Or, "Weeping with the Enemy")


Little to say but lots to translate, so let's get into the next big chunk of the Daijiin Arc! There are lots of twisty little alternate versions here, so keep your eyes on the blue notes, and as always, please let me know if anything is unclear. And away we go!

July 13, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Daijiin Temple, Pt. 1 (Or, "The Sairou-jin Job")

Ni-hao and look at the size of this week's translation! Sorta makes up for last week's tidbit, yeah? Anyway, we're bustin' into the Daijiin this week. I'm sure our boys are going to be very sneaky about it, too. Especially Tasuki. He's SUPER good at being patient and quiet, after all.

Hit the jump for the first part in our temple robbery! Because who doesn't love a little blasphemous looting?

July 06, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Daijiin Temple, Prologue (Or, "Casin' the Joint")

Ni-hao and Happy Summer Festival Weekend! Like proper nerds, my friends and I celebrated both the Fourth of July and Tanabata in glorious fashion, not to mention that Summer Premiere Week just slammed into us, so my past few days have been rather packed. As such, I'm just doing the Daijiin Temple prologue this time around. We'll get into the long, meaty goodness of the Daijiin Arc next week.

On a slightly related note, I finally got around to getting a MyAnimeList account, so feel free to friend me. I'm itsthedee, of course. And don't forget that I'm blogging over at Josei Next Door and will have all kinds of Meet 'N' Greet posts for the summer season beginning tomorrow. So you can have fun with that and the translations this week. ^_^

Okay, that's enough chatter! Strategy and schemes below the jump!