
August 24, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: The Harbor, Pt. 3 (Or, "Brains, Brawn, and Bros")

Ni-hao, and who's ready for some battle sequences?! Chiriko goes Full Badass, Misaki puts Nakago in his place, and two very different outcomes await our heroes. It's the Suzaku/Seiryuu throwdown you've been waiting for! Let's get ready to rumble.

...I wonder what I should do...
  • Hold out the Shinzaho (for the dialogue to this option, see The Harbor, Pt. 2)
  • Fight to protect the Shinzaho

Fight to protect the Shinzaho
[Walkthrough Note: To win this fight, Nuriko and Chiriko must be alive, Amiboshi must have been taken as a POW, and you must have played through Makan Village (resulting in Tomo's death).]

[Dialog options]
  • Winning the Fight
  • Losing the Fight

Winning the Fight
You: ...I won’t give up the Shinzaho.
Misaki: I see… So summoning Suzaku is more important than me.
You: No, of course not!
You: But a lot of people put their hope in this Shinzaho.
You: I agreed to protect it. So I have to take responsibility for that hope. (1)
You: So regardless of how I feel about it… there’s no way I can just hand over the Shinzaho.
Misaki: ...I see. That’s a shame. I really didn’t want to kill you.
Nakago: This is your last warning. Give up the Shinzaho and we’ll cease this fight. Don’t, and we’ll kill you.
Tamahome: We can’t quit now.
You: But… we’re surrounded…
Chiriko: …Our enemies have greater overall numbers, but we have more Celestial Warriors.
Chiriko: If we can avoid the siege from the archers and turn this into a free-for-all, we should be able to take them.
Chiriko: Fortunately there is no wind, and it seems that this port stores quite a lot of food.
You: Uh… what does all of that have to do with what’s happening now…?
Chiriko: It means we can use our current location to our advantage.
Chiriko briefly explained his plan.
Tamahome: ...C-can we really do that?
Chiriko: It’s possible. I can’t promise anything more than that.
You: ...But at this point, it’s all we’ve got. (2)
Nakago: ...Have you decided to give up?
You: No, Nakago. We’re going to fight!
You: A hundred times over if we have to!
Nakago: ...Misaki-sama, please fall behind me.
Misaki: I see… I guess we have no choice…
Nakago: Bows at the ready.
Kutou Soldier: Bows at the ready!!
The Kutou soldiers raised their bows in perfect unison.
You: Everyone… you have to survive.
Tamahome: Talk like that is bad for business, y’know.
Tasuki: ...Yer s’posed to say, “You have to win,” right?
You: ...Right.
You: You have to win!
Kutou Soldiers: H’oh!
Nakago: Fire.
Tasuki: First come, first serve!
The flames knocked around our enemies, creating a hole in the circle of archers—which meant…!
Chiriko: Now. Make a run for it while their line is broken!
You: We… got through!
Nakago: ...You’ve only broken the siege. It doesn’t change your precarious position.
Chiriko: We’re not finished yet! Nuriko-san!
Nuriko: Right!
Nuriko lifted a nearby pile of sandbag-looking objects and threw them each in quick succession.
Chiriko: Chichiri-san!
Chichiri: Roger, no da!

Get some, no da!
Chichiri: Hah!
Chichiri flung one shockwave after another, not at our enemies but at the bags in the air above them, bursting the bags open!
And the next thing we knew… The area where the Seiryuu were stationed had filled with a fine, smoke-like powder.
Nakago: ...A smokescreen? This is a waste of time.
Chiriko: We’ll know soon enough if it was truly a waste of time!
Chiriko: Tasuki-san! Now!
Tasuki: You can count on me, Chiriko!

Here comes the BOOM!
The flames came into contact with the powder in the air—
—And caused a huge explosion.
You: Wow… it really did explode…
Nuriko: It… sure is a flashy...
Chiriko: Once the scattered powder surpasses a certain density, the air itself becomes flammable.
Chiriko: It was an improvised performance, but… I’m glad it succeeded.

[...And that, kids, is how Chiriko became the most dangerous member of the Suzaku Celestial Warriors.]

???: *chuckles*
Nakago: You annihilated my men…
Nakago: It was all I could do to form a barrier to protect the priestess and the Celestial Warriors.
Tamahome: You’re tellin’ me you were swallowed up in that blast and you’re… not even scratched…?
Nakago: I underestimated you somewhat, Suzaku Celestial Warriors.
Suboshi: ....Don’t get cocky, though.
Suboshi: Misaki-sama’s enemies are our enemies. We’ll join forces to take you down.
???: Wait. Suboshi...
Suboshi: *gasp*
You: That voice… could it be…?
Amiboshi: Suboshi, you’ve got to stop this.
Suboshi: Ah! Bro…
Suboshi: Bro… why are you…?
Amiboshi: Because I wanted to see if my words could still reach you.
Amiboshi: You have to stop fighting these people.
Amiboshi: I owe them so much.
Suboshi: But…
Nakago: Amiboshi… you would seek to betray me?
Amiboshi: ...I want to protect the Priestess of Suzaku.
Nakago: ...Very well. Then, as of now, you are also my enemy.
Amiboshi: I came here knowing that would be the case.
Soi: ...You traitor.
Amiboshi: ...Misaki-sama, please hand over the Shinzaho.
Misaki: ...And why would I do that?!
Nakago: ...Misaki-sama, give Amiboshi the Shinzaho.
Misaki: ...Nakago, why are you suggesting this now?
Misaki: You wanted to summon Seiryuu, didn’t you?
Nakago: ...At the moment, we are far outmatched in terms of firepower.
Nakago: In battle, it is also important to know when to retreat.
Misaki: Fine. We’ll do as you say, Nakago.
Misaki: [Your Name], I want to give you the Shinzaho personally. Come here.
Chiriko: It’s likely a trap. You mustn’t agree to it.
You: ...It’s fine. Let me do it.
You: The Shinzaho…
Misaki: I came here to steal it, only to have it stolen from me.
Misaki: I’m surprised you were willing to go to such lengths, too.
You: I’d do whatever it took to rescue you.
Misaki: ...You’re late. For everything.
You: Misaki-chan…?
Misaki: Retreat.
Nakago: ...Yes, milady.
—They left.
…And then we all just kind of stood there.
Tamahome: ...We… won?
You: …Yeah. We won.
You: We’ve collected both Shinzaho…
You: And it’s all thanks to you guys.
Chiriko: No.
Chiriko: It’s all thanks to you, [Your Name].
You: ...But all I did was stand at the back…
Nuriko: It couldn’t have been anyone else. Without you, we’d have never made it this far.
Nuriko: Admit it. You know I’m right.
You: ...Well, I’m glad to hear it.
You: Oh, yeah! By the way, Amiboshi…
Miboshi: He already left.
Mitsukake: He asked me to give you his best wishes.
You: Oh…
Tasuki: Shows up when his pals are in a bind an’ then disappears again, huh?
Tasuki: Man, talk about a show-off.
Chichiri: Let’s get back to Konan.
Chichiri: If we take too long, Hotohori-sama will get worried and come looking for us no da.
You: Ahahaha, oh, come on, his Imperial Majesty would...
You: ...probably do that, yeah.
Nuriko: Hotohori-sama… To think that he’d be so worried about me…
Tasuki: I’m better off just lettin’ that one go…
I took a little breath to collect myself.
You: ...Okay. Let’s go back to Konan.
You: We did what we set out to do.
The others all nodded.
I was positive that tomorrow would be a good day.

~End Part 2~

Losing the Fight
You: ...I won’t give it up.
You: Misaki-chan, no matter how many times you ask me, that’s one thing I can never do!
Misaki: ...I see. That’s a shame. I really didn’t want to kill you.
Chichiri: This fight couldn’t be avoided, [Your Name] no da.
Chichiri: Your intent and your ideals—
Chichiri: We, the Suzaku Warriors, will make them both a reality no da.
Chichri: Watch, no da. This is the pride of your warriors!
You: ...I just have one thing to say.
You: There’s nothing more I could want from any of you—
You: Stay alive out there.
Tamahome: Will do!
Misaki: Seiryuu Celestial Warriors and brave Kutou soldiers!
Misaki: The Priestess of Seiryuu commands you! Deliver the Shinzaho to me!
Kutou Soldiers: H’OHHHHHHHH!!
Tasuki: Funny guys, ain’t they…?
Tasuki: Well if they can do it, so can I!!
The flames swallowed his opponents.
Tamahome: All right... We beat ‘em to the punch!
Tasuki: First thing’s first: Thin out their numbers!
As the flames once again shot towards the soldiers—
???: O Lightning, rend the sky!
*thunder crash*
Lightning suddenly—
Broke apart... the flames.
Soi: I, the Seiryuu Warrior Soi, will not let you keep using that attack.
Tasuki: ...Tch, this is why I hate women.
Kutou Soldier: Ugh...
Kutou Soldier(2): Careful, there. This one’s tougher than he looks.
Chichiri: Did you think I would go easy on you no da?
Kutou Soldier: Ngh...
Nakago: Draw back. None of you are of any concern.
Chichiri: Nakago...
Nakago: You seem to be quite the sorcerer.
Nakago: I’ll be your opponent.
Chichiri: ...I’d been hoping...
Chichiri: ...For this match no da!!
Nakago: ...Sorry, but the victory is mine.
Chichiri: ...Ngh... I’ve been hit... no da.
You: Chi... Chichiri!
???: This is no time to be worrying about others.
You: Su... boshi…
Tamahome: You bastard!
Mitsukake: Get away from her!
Tomo: I can’t allow you to get near her.
Mitsukake: Da... dammit...
Nakago: All of you will face me.
Tamahome: Outta my way, damn you!
Suboshi: Hand over the Shinzaho.
You: ...I won’t.
Suboshi: You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that. Now be a good girl and I’ll at least let you leave with your life.
You: I won’t...
Because... I overcame so many hardships to finally obtain it.
Suboshi: Have it your way!
The instant Suboshi stretched out his hand to me—
Suboshi: Ah... damn you.
You: ...I won’t give you the Shinzaho!
Suboshi: Fine... then you’ll die here!
Misaki: Stop it, Suboshi!
Suboshi: ...Mi-Misaki-sama...
Misaki: Just steal the Shinzaho.
Suboshi: B-but...
Misaki: Do as I say.
Suboshi: ...Yes, m’lady!
You: Ah...!
You: Give it back...
Suboshi: ...You can thank Misaki-sama for this.
Misaki: Seiryuu Warriors, leave the soldiers behind and withdraw!
Misaki: The remaining soldiers will harass our enemies for a while and then retreat as well.
Nakago: …Why would you even consider that? We should destroy them here and now.
Misaki: Nakago... Are you talking back to me?
Nakago: ...Not at all. Your servant has overstepped his bounds.
Nakago: The Seiryuu warriors will withdraw.
You: Misaki-chan...
Tamahome: This ain’t the time to be spacing out.
The next thing I knew, the Kutou archers had surrounded us.
You: ...You guys... please, don’t die.
Tamahome: Calm down.
Tasuki: I’ll be damned if we’re gonna die here.
Kutou Soldier: Bows at the ready—!!
=Screen goes black=
—Every second felt like an hour.
By the time it was all over, and the Kutou soldiers had retreated—
My friends were really banged up.
When I thought of all the pain and grief they’d suffered, all I could do was wail helplessly.
Tears flowing without end.
That was it. I’d reached the end of my journey to bring back the Shinzaho.

~End Part 2~


Translation Notes:
(1) “But a lot of people put their hope in this Shinzaho. / I agreed to protect it. So I have to take responsibility for that hope.” Nngh. Original Japanese: “これには、色んな人が願いを託してる /それを守ってもらった私は、その願い責任を持たなければいけない (kore ni ha, iron’na hito ga negai wo taku-shiteru / sore wo mamottemoratta watashi ha, sono negai ni sekinin wo motanakereba ikenai).  Literally: “In/To this, various people have entrusted their wishes/hopes. I, who accepted the protection of that, must bear responsibility for those wishes/hopes.” It’s clunky and a bit vague, and I don’t think my translation is particularly good, so I’m leaving this here in hopes that I can come up with a better way to say this. As always, suggestions welcome.

(2) “But at this point, it’s all we’ve got.” Original Japanese: でも、今はそれにかけるしかないよ(demo, ima ha sore ni kakeru shikanai yo).  I’m honestly not sure what to do with “sore ni kakeru,”  here, so my current translation is one-part actual translation, one-part contextual guesswork. I am so down for any advice people wanna throw at me.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, how are you? :)
    I hope you can understand me, because I do not speak English very well, since it is not my language.
    Yes, the truth is that I'm Portuguese and I really love Fushigi Yuugi.
    When I heard that there was a game my mind was: OMG I have to find some way to get this game and play it now! xD
    And after some time searching, finally was able to install the game, but I was really sad when I could not understand a word of Japanese, but then found your translations and I thank them, little by little I'll actually playing and I love it ! * O *
    I admit I love Fushigi Yuugi, but my love for Nuriko is very strong! > /// <
    Thank you and congratulations for the excellent work and commitment you have had to make these translations.
    If you need help with something, I'll try to help with whatever I can! ;)
    Goodbye and kisses
