
November 16, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc, Prewar Professions (Chichiri Edition)

I live!

Ni-hao and howdy, dear readers! In my last post I warned you that I might have to disappear for a couple months, and I was rather true to be my word, there. But I'm back now and ready to throw us into the Great Seishi War. But no war can begin without a heartfelt confession from your loved one, so let's start with that!

I have the "nighttime visit" for both Chichiri and Tasuki, but I'm still trying to work Ibun translatons back into my weekly schedule, so we're going to start up with a small piece this time and just handle the Chichiri scene. I'll do Tasuki next week (that's what she said!) and then hopefully be able to provide a good-sized chunk of Epic Battle Action after that.

Hit the jump for some general sweetness, and also a make-out session. Aww yeah.

==Scene: Bedchamber at Night==
We readied ourselves for tomorrow’s battle, then retired to our rooms early.
But... I just couldn’t get to sleep.
I’d been useless from start to finish...
"I hadn’t been able to do anything." Those were the only words that remained in my heart.

[Dialog Options]
Triggered if you have at least 8 FP for one of the following:
  • Tamahome
  • Hotohori
  • Nuriko
  • Chichiri
  • Tasuki
  • Mitsukake
  • Chiriko

I was tense and anxious and regretful, but... when you got right down to it, mostly I felt guilty.
I’d been useless from start to finish…
*knock knock*
You: ...Who is it?
Chichiri: It’s Chichri no da~
You: Just a sec, I’ll open the door.
{Chichiri appears}
Chichiri: No need no da.
You: Wha...? Y-you teleported!?
Chichiri: It’s simple enough no da.
Chichiri: While I’m at it, I’ll read your mind as well no da.
You: Huh...?
Chichiri: I can sense your guilt. Do you feel responsible no da?
Chichiri: Because you weren’t able to carry out your duties, a war has begun. That’s why you feel responsible no da.
You: ...You really can read minds...
Chichiri: ...Nope, I made that up no da.
You: Eh?
Chichiri: My senjutsu’s not all-powerful no da.
Chichiri: …Anyone could see that you’re upset no da.
You: Huh... And here I was trying to hide it...
You: ...I’m sorry... We’re going off to fight tomorrow, and I’m making you worry about stupid things like this.
Chichiri: It’s really all right no da.
Chichiri: You were Konan’s hope for salvation no da. Unfortunately that hope is gone now, so everyone can’t help but feel anxious no da.
You: Mm... I feel responsible...
Chichiri: But...
Chichiri: It’s not like you were the only one who was fighting no da.
You: What...?
Chichiri: Don’t underestimate the strength of our nation’s people no da.
Chichiri: It’s not like the Konan Empire entrusted everything to you no da.
Chichiri: We all scrambled to come up with a plan so we can clear a path to victory no da.
Chichiri: Now that we’ve allied with Sairou, the military defenses along the border should be reinforced in time for the battle. We’re equipped and ready to go no da.
Chichiri: That’s the thing about Konan: All of its people will meet this all of their strength.
Chichiri: ...So you don’t need to bear the burden anymore no da.
Chichiri: You don’t need to force yourself to go to the battle now, no da.
You: ...Chichiri...
Chichiri: I’ve been looking into ways to get you back to your world so you can be gone by the time the fight reaches us no da.
{Chichiri removes his mask}
Chichiri slowly took off his mask.
His eye shone softly in the moonlight as he watched me earnestly.
Chichiri: If you go off to fight, there’s a good chance you'll die.
Chichiri: The power of Suzaku won’t be there to protect you anymore. So—
Chichiri: You don’t have to carry the weight that comes with being the Priestess of Suzaku anymore no da.
Chichiri: You’re free now.
Chichiri: No matter what you decide to do, my gratitude and respect for you won’t fade no da.
Chichiri: So—
Chichiri: ...Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.
You: ...I understand.
You: Then I—not as the Priestess of Suzaku, but as a person—will choose my own path.
Chichiri: ...Good-bye, [Your Name]
You: ...You don’t need to say that.
You: I’m going to fight alongside my friends—and alongside you, too.
Chichiri: Wh... Are you serious no da?
Chichiri: There’s almost no chance that we’ll win this fight no da!
You: That’s better than no chance at all.
You: If there’s even a fragment of hope left, then I’ve got to chase after it.
You: Chichiri... Don’t you dare let me escape when nobody else can.
There were tears in my eyes and my hands were shaking...
You: Don’t you dare go leaving me out of this.
You: We’ve fought together this whole time, haven’t we?
Chichiri: ...Then you’re...
Chichiri: I’m sorry no da.
You: What...?
Chichiri: I didn’t realize how strong you were.
Chichiri: Then let’s walk this path together.
Chichiri: I want to stay by your side and keep you safe.
You: ...Right. And I’ll be by your side, too...
We leaned in towards each other, and—

Aww snap, the monastery is gonna excommunicate him SO hard...
Suddenly we kissed.
We treated it carefully, as if it were something precious.
Chichiri shared his feelings with me through that kiss.
It felt as if all my pain and anxiety and regret were disappearing.
From this moment on, we could always be together.
Because no matter how far away we were, we would carry the memory of this moment in our hearts.
{Chichiri puts his mask back on}
Chichiri: From now on, no matter what troubles and obstacles try to stand in your way—
Chichiri: I, Chichiri, will open a path for you.
You: Same here... I’ll never stop doing my best for you.
Chichiri: Now that that’s settled, we should be getting to bed no da.
Chichiri: We’ll do our best together tomorrow no da~!
You: We sure will~!!
After Chichiri went back to his room, I sat up thinking by myself.
I'd still been afraid of tomorrow.
But I’d answered him right away.
It’ll be okay now….
No matter what happens, I’ll just do what I can as best as I can.

Thinking that actually made me kinda happy.

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