
December 14, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc - The Kutou War, Pt. 3 (Or, "Thunder, Thunder... Thunderspat!")

Ahoy and welcome back to another week of War of the Warriors! Seiryuu guest appearances abound yet again, as a surprise visitor comes calling - and with an even more surprising request, to boot. Hit that jump to see what happens to our plucky young priestess next!

December 07, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc - The Kutou War, Pt. 2 (Or, "How to Train Your Priestess")

Ni-hao, and I hope you didn't think I was gonna skip this week! It's coming out a little later than usual on this chilly Sunday night, but here it is: Some polite conversation before the battle breaks. Because just because it's war doesn't mean we can't be civilized about it.

Nakago, Misaki, and some shocking reveals await below the jump!

November 30, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc - The Kutou War, Pt. 1 (Or, "A Good Miko Goes to War")

Ni-hao, gang!

I'm on holiday this weekend but I managed to get this queued up before I left, and it's a longer piece as promised. Onwards, noble readers! To battle!

November 23, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc, Prewar Professions (Tasuki Edition)

Ni-hao, minna-san! And I've returned with the Tasuki Nighttime Rendezvous, as promised! So hit that jump to have a little more love before we go off to make war next week.

November 16, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc, Prewar Professions (Chichiri Edition)

I live!

Ni-hao and howdy, dear readers! In my last post I warned you that I might have to disappear for a couple months, and I was rather true to be my word, there. But I'm back now and ready to throw us into the Great Seishi War. But no war can begin without a heartfelt confession from your loved one, so let's start with that!

I have the "nighttime visit" for both Chichiri and Tasuki, but I'm still trying to work Ibun translatons back into my weekly schedule, so we're going to start up with a small piece this time and just handle the Chichiri scene. I'll do Tasuki next week (that's what she said!) and then hopefully be able to provide a good-sized chunk of Epic Battle Action after that.

Hit the jump for some general sweetness, and also a make-out session. Aww yeah.

September 07, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Seiryuu Summoning Arc - The Konan Palace (Or, "O Koutei My Koutei")

Hey gang! I got some “Ibun” for ya. But first, an explanation: We’re entering Part 3 now, which has two versions: The “Suzaku Summoning Arc” and the “Seiryuu Summoning Arc.” You go to the Suzaku Arc if you return to the palace with the Shinzaho; you go to the Seiryuu Arc if you lost the two Shinzaho.

Now I have only actually played through the Seiryuu Arc, so that’s what you’ll be getting for the next several posts. At some point I’d like to go back and play the Suzaku Arc, but my focus right now is on getting a complete arc posted, so we’ll just focus on Seiryuu for now.

A second point to mention: I’m working on a second, time-sensitive translation project, so while I will do my best to continue to deliver “Ibun” snippets to y’all, don’t be surprised if Sunday rolls around and there’s no update. I don’t have a ton of free time, so “Ibun” may end up having to go on the backburner for the next month or so. I haven’t deserted it, though, I promise!

And to prove to you that I’m still steadfast in my resolve, here’s the nice, long (and total PIA to translate): Seiryuu Summoning Arc, Part 3, Chapter 1, in its entirety! Enjoy!

August 24, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: The Harbor, Pt. 3 (Or, "Brains, Brawn, and Bros")

Ni-hao, and who's ready for some battle sequences?! Chiriko goes Full Badass, Misaki puts Nakago in his place, and two very different outcomes await our heroes. It's the Suzaku/Seiryuu throwdown you've been waiting for! Let's get ready to rumble.

August 17, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: The Harbor, Pt. 2 (Or, "Uncle!")

Hey friends,

I was really hoping to get the entire Rumble at the Docks done in one post, but there are three major "timelines" here and, between work and life and other blog posts, I just didn't have time to get it all cleaned up in a week. So for today, I'm just going to show you what happens if you give the Shinzaho to Misaki. Hopefully next week I'll be able to post both major versions of the actual fight, and we'll be all ready to officially end Part Two and move into the last (and much shorter) Part Three. Huzzah for forward momentum!

August 10, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: The Harbor, Pt. 1 (Or, "Sparrin' at the Dock of the Bay")

Ni-hao and I'm back from my trip with some more Ibun for y'all! It's a fairly small slice since I'm also working on proofreading a new Chihayafuru chapter for RolyBear (get excited!), but it's also accompanied by some walkthrough notes, so that should pad the post a bit, too. And so:

Walkthrough Notes!
First, once you find the second Shinzaho (whether it's the Byakko or Genbu one), the game automatically sends you away from the Hokkan/Sairou world maps on on to the next arc. So before you enter either Mount Black or the Daijiin, make sure you've visited all the other places you wanted to visit.

Second, the game will send you to a different point in the game depending on how your Shinzaho-gathering adventures went:
  • If you have both Shinzaho, you go to Part 3: Suzaku Summoning Arc.
  • If you have neither Shinzaho (i.e., Ashitara and Misaki stole them both from you), then you go to Part 3: Seiryuu Summoning Arc.
  • If you have one Shinzaho but not the other, then you go to the last bit of Part 2, which I'm calling The Harbor Arc. This is the Arc I'll be translating for the next couple weeks.
Third (and somewhat obnoxiously), I'm not sure if the Harbor Arc is Part, 2 Chapter 3 or Part 2, Chapter 4. It popped up differently in my two run-throughs, so...  *sweat* Not sure what that's all about. I've decided to call it "Chapter 4," since it makes the most sense to me to divide Part 2 up into four pieces (Shipwreck, Hokkan, Sairou, and Harbor).

And, fourth and finally, there are a lot of variations to this arc depending on who's still alive at this point (Amiboshi, Nuriko, Chiriko, Tomo). I'll do my best to cover as many versions as possible, but there are a lot of combinations that may or may not result in dialogue differences, so if you notice a line when you're playing that is NOT in my script, please let me know.

And now that we've gotten all that out of the way, let's get into it!

July 27, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Daijiin Temple, Pt. 3 (Or, "The Good, the Bad, and the Byakko")


Another big chunk of Ibun today as we at last gallop towards the end of Part 2, Chapter 2! I won't be posting any translations next week since I'll be on holiday, so I figured I'd wrap up the Daijiin Arc this week and give everyone a moment to catch their breaths before we move on to the next big plot point.

We've got a big Multiverse Moment this week, so keep your eyes peeled for the "dialog options," and here's hoping you got those 4 Favorability Points (FP) for Chiriko! Otherwise, well... you might wanna get those tissues ready. ;_;

Hit the jump for murder, mayhem, and Miboshi!

July 20, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Daijiin Temple, Pt. 2 (Or, "Weeping with the Enemy")


Little to say but lots to translate, so let's get into the next big chunk of the Daijiin Arc! There are lots of twisty little alternate versions here, so keep your eyes on the blue notes, and as always, please let me know if anything is unclear. And away we go!

July 13, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Daijiin Temple, Pt. 1 (Or, "The Sairou-jin Job")

Ni-hao and look at the size of this week's translation! Sorta makes up for last week's tidbit, yeah? Anyway, we're bustin' into the Daijiin this week. I'm sure our boys are going to be very sneaky about it, too. Especially Tasuki. He's SUPER good at being patient and quiet, after all.

Hit the jump for the first part in our temple robbery! Because who doesn't love a little blasphemous looting?

July 06, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Daijiin Temple, Prologue (Or, "Casin' the Joint")

Ni-hao and Happy Summer Festival Weekend! Like proper nerds, my friends and I celebrated both the Fourth of July and Tanabata in glorious fashion, not to mention that Summer Premiere Week just slammed into us, so my past few days have been rather packed. As such, I'm just doing the Daijiin Temple prologue this time around. We'll get into the long, meaty goodness of the Daijiin Arc next week.

On a slightly related note, I finally got around to getting a MyAnimeList account, so feel free to friend me. I'm itsthedee, of course. And don't forget that I'm blogging over at Josei Next Door and will have all kinds of Meet 'N' Greet posts for the summer season beginning tomorrow. So you can have fun with that and the translations this week. ^_^

Okay, that's enough chatter! Strategy and schemes below the jump!

June 30, 2014

Suzaku Ibun: Makan Village, Pt. 3 (Or, "The Little Priestess That Could")

Ni-hao and osokunatte sumimasen! Sorry I'm a day late. The weekend was a busy one and the translation was a long one. But it's done now with lots of twisty AU dialogue options. I'll make notes as I go. Sound off in the comments if you have any questions - or if you just want to cheer because the Makan Village Arc is FINALLY DONE. *throws confetti*

==Scene: Makan Village==
[Dialog options]
  • Tasuki
  • Chichiri

Tasuki: You came back.
You: Tasuki...
Tasuki: I believed in ya, [Your Name].
Tasuki: Yer the only woman who Tasuki the Great will acknowledge. No way were you gonna lose ta some creep’s jutsu.
You: ...I could hear your voice, and...
Tasuki: Yep. Our connection is stronger than both dreams an’ reality!
You: But how... did you know about Soi?
Tasuki: Instinct!
You: ...That’s... easy to understand.
Tasuki: I thought something was funny about her, an’ after I listened t’my gut, it was a snap uncoverin’ her identity.
Tasuki: I escaped durin’ th’ commotion an’ came here.
Tasuki: Now, time fer a counterstrike.
You: ...Mm.
Tomo: You defeated the magic of my “shell”...
Tomo: ...Nevertheless, you think you can best me just because of that?
You: ...Watch us.
Tasuki: My head’s tellin’ me we’re gonna do just that. You’d better come quietly, fer your own sake.
Tasuki: ‘Cause the Priestess of Suzaku has got Tasuki the Great on her side!!
Tomo: Fwahahahaha!
Tomo: I’d rather you not get so carried away, just because you defeated my jutsu a single time.
Tomo: To do so would be foolish!
You: Magic again...!?
Tasuki: ...Quit usin’ yer weirdo jutsu.

>>Return to Standard Dialogue (scroll down)

==Scene: Makan Village==
Chichiri: I had faith that you would come back no da.
You: Chichiri...
You: Chichiri! I could hear your voice! I could hear your voice, and because of that, I...!
Chichiri: ...No, it was your own willpower that brought you back no da.
Chichiri: It just happened to take the form of my voice no da.
You: But how... did you know about to Soi?
Chichiri: I may not look it, but I do specialize in jutsu no da.
Chichiri: I saw through Soi’s identity and ran off right away no da.
Chichiri: Sorry I was late. You held up well, Priestess of Suzaku.
You: ...You don’t need to apologize. It’s because you helped me that I’m here now.
Chichiri: ...You give me more credit than I deserve no da.
Tomo: You defeated the magic of my “shell”...
Tomo: ..Nevertheless, you think you can best me just because of that?
You: ...Watch us.
Chichiri: Now it’s my turn no da.
Tomo: Fwahahahaha!
Tomo: I’d rather you not get so carried away, just because you defeated my jutsu a single time.
Tomo: To do so would be foolish!
You: Magic again...!?
Chichiri: ...He’s incredibly powerful no da...
>>Return to Standard Dialogue

Return to Standard Dialogue
You: But... If we stay focused, we should be able to defeat it!
Tomo: It’s futile. My jutsu is stronger beyond comparison.
Tomo: I will not be defeated by the likes of you!
You: Tomo... I’ll say it as many times as you want.
You: You can’t touch me with your magic.
Strength began to overflow from me...
Tomo: Ngh... What the hell is this tremendous power—!
You: Your damned illusions… will never hold us back! Not me or any of us!
Tomo: This is... the power of the Priestess of Suzaku...
Tomo: In that case, I shall destroy you with my own two hands! (1)
Tomo: Unable to even breathe, you’ll lose control of your body and die cursing my name!  *clang*
You: ...I—won’t lose...
You: I absolutely... will not lose!

Tasuki: ...Well, look at you. It’s a damned honor t’be able ta protect a gal like you.
Chichiri: Suzaku is acting in accord... with her will.

[Dialog options]
  • Amiboshi drowned in the river
  • Amiboshi fell in the river, but survived (note: I have not played this version yet)
  • Amiboshi was taken as a POW

Amiboshi drowned in the river
[Note: I only played this version with Tasuki, so I’m not sure if there is specific “seishi” dialogue in this. I’m sure there’s also Nuriko dialogue in here at some point, but I don’t have it yet.]

I could hear... footsteps...
Tamahome: [Your Name]! Are you okay!?
You: ...Tamahome... Guys!
Tomo: Tsk... There’s too many of them...
Tomo: I shall withdraw!
Ah... his jutsu... came undone.
*screen shakes*
Huh...? Why am I... falling…?
Tamahome: Hey! You all right!?
Mitsukake: No external injury... But she’s suffering from severe fatigue.
You: ...You guys... I’ll… keep fighting… so...

==Fades to black==

==Scene: Peasant’s Home==
You: ...What... just...?
Mitsukake: Oh, you’re awake...?
You: Huh... I... could’ve sworn... with Tomo...
Tamahome: That’s right... You fought Tomo and drove the bastard off. You really did it.
Tasuki: Damn, but that was impressive.
You: ...It was, huh…?
Chiriko: ...But don’t push yourself so hard from now on.
Chiriko: When the enemy appears, you should run.
Chiriko: That takes courage, too.
You: ...Mm. Thanks.
You: Huh...?
Mitsukake: What’s wrong? Do you not feel well?
You: No...  I’m sorta... really... sleepy and...
Chichiri: ...You really... gave it your all out there no da.
You: *giggles*...
Tamahome: ...What’s up? Why’re you laughing?
You: Oh, no reason.
You: You’re all here... and so am I. I was just thinking about that.
...Feeling very happy, I closed my eyes.
=Fade to black=
When I woke up it was already morning, and we all set off on our journey again.
I’d thought it was obvious what I meant when I called the others my “comrades.”
But now I felt like I finally, truly understood it.

=>Go to world map

Amiboshi was taken as a POW
[Note: I only played this with Chichiri, so I don’t have the “seishi specific” dialogue for Tasuki here.]
You: ...Let it be known: You’re the one who’s going to lose!
You: Retreat at once!
Tomo: Me... lose? To a little girl like you?
Tomo: *snickers*...
Tomo: Don’t make me laugh!!
Tomo: I’ve dedicated my entire life to my training. I honed my power for Nakago’s sake!
Tomo: A little girl like you!? I’ll grind you into dust!!
...What? I was suddenly in pain...
You: Aahhhhhhh!!
What... what’s happening!?
Tomo: A pain beyond imagination.
Tomo: A veritable sea of pain—
Tomo: You shall drown in it, until it crushes your soul!
You: Ah... ahh...!!
White-hot pain shot through my head—
But as I writhed against it...
...The sound of... a flute?
The pain that had engulfed my body vanished, as if it the music had wiped it away...
You: I can move...
The person who’d helped me... seemed to be unharmed, too.
{Amiboshi appears}
Amiboshi: It’s been a while, [Your Name]-san.
You: A-Amiboshi!!
You: Why—are you...?
Amiboshi: Hotohori-sama wanted to help you.
You: Hotohori did…?
Amiboshi: I’m glad I got here just in time...
You: ...You sure did.
You: Thanks...
You: But... he’s an old friend of yours...
Amiboshi: I’m ready for him.
Amiboshi: The entire time I was with you, I wanted to be one of your warriors.
You: ...You did…?
Amiboshi: Let’s leave this talk for another time.
Amiboshi: I’ve got the advantage in a fight with him.
You: ...Mm.
Amiboshi: Please leave this to me.
You: B-but it’s dangerous!
Amiboshi: No... it’s fine.
Amiboshi: I once confronted you as an enemy.
Amiboshi: I’ll use this fight to prove my loyalty to you.
You: ...Well, if you’re going to say all that...

[Dialog options: Seishi of Choice (in this case, Chichiri)]
Chichiri: Objection no da!
You: Ch-Chichiri!?
Chichiri: I am a Suzaku Celestial Warrior with the proper feelings, am I not no da?
Chichiri: As one who protects the Priestess of Suzaku—
Chichiri: —No, as one who protects you, [Your Name], I will not retreat from here!
Chichiri: I swear, here and now, that I will keep you safe no da!!
You: Chichiri...
Chichiri: Amiboshi... Can you stop his magic with your flute no da?
Amiboshi: ...I think so, yes.
Chichiri: Then please do so no da.
Amiboshi: Understood. I’ll try!
The pure sound of the flute began to ring out. Tomo shouldn’t able to use his jutsu anymore.
Tomo: *snickers*... A futile effort...
Chichiri: Our enemy is a sorcerer. My jutsu isn’t about to lose to his no da~!
Chichiri: Hah!
=screen shakes=
=landscape covered in dust=
Tomo: Ugh... Why, you...
You: ...W-we won?
Chichiri: Not yet no da...
Chichiri: A Seiryuu Warrior won’t fall that easily.
Chichiri: We can’t let our guards down no da.
You: ...Right.

[And while I’m not positive, I’m assuming that the dialog from here to the end is the same regardless of your Useless Seishi Bae]
Tomo: Heh... *snickers*...
You: No way... H-he’s standing up?
Tomo: Fwahahahahahahahaha!!
Tomo: Who ever said this was the real me?
Tomo: From the moment you first saw me, you were afflicted by my illusions.
You: But—we resisted...
Tomo: Even your resistance was an illusion!
You: ...He disappeared? Where’s the real one!?
Tomo: Right over... here.
You: —Amiboshi!! Behind you!!
Amiboshi: Eh—?
Tomo: Too slow!
=Flashes red=
The feathers on Tomo’s headdress pierced right through Amiboshi.
Amiboshi: Ah...
Amiboshi: Damn... it...
You: A... Amiboshi!!
Tomo: With this… I claim victory.
You: Amiboshi! Amiboshi! Are you okay!?
Tomo: Now... Priestess of Suzaku, you’re next.
Tomo: The Suzaku Celestial Warriors are insignificant as far as I am concerned.
???: Ah, is that right…?
Tamahome: Don’t go counting us out yet!
In an instant, Tamahome landed a blow on Tomo.
Tomo: ...Damn you.
You: Tamahome!!
Tomo: How... DARE... you!!
Tamahome: Whoa... You can still move!?
Tomo: Die!
Tasuki: That’s my line!
Tasuki: REK’KA... SHIN’EN!!
Tomo: ...Damn you... Priestess... of... Suzaku...
And just like that... he was down for the count...
Mitsukake: ...Are you okay, [Your Name]?
You: Mitsukake! Guys!!
The next thing I knew, we were all together again.
You: You guys... how in the world...?
Tamahome: Amiboshi bought us some time, thankfully.
Tamahome: We figured out we were with an impostor priestess and came running back to where we’d last seen you.
Tamahome: The impostor got away.
Tamahome: But I’m just glad you’re safe.
Tamahome: ...You really gave it your all out there.
You: ...No. It was thanks to you guys...
Just as I was beginning to relax, I suddenly felt my body grow heavy.
Aah... I’m... all worn out...
You: I’m so glad... you’re all... safe.
As soon as I lay on the ground and closed my eyes, I was fast asleep.


==Scene: Sairou Peasant Home==
You: ...Nn.
You: Where... am I...?
Nuriko: My... you finally woke up.
You: ...Nuriko...
Tamahome: So you’re awake, huh?
You: Mm...
Mitsukake: You were just fatigued. Your life was never in any danger...
Mitsukake: You recovered quickly as well. I suppose this is also due to Suzaku’s divine protection.
You: *giggles*...
Chiriko: What’s the matter?
You: I just can’t believe... that I’m really still alive...
Tasuki: Yer tenacious. That’s somethin’ t’be proud of.
You: I’m not, though. It was because Amiboshi was there to help me...
You: ...That’s right. Amiboshi—where’s Amiboshi!?
Mitsukake: I healed the wounds he received during the battle. However...
You: “However”... What’s wrong?
Chichiri: ...Amiboshi’s gone no da.
Chichiri: He left while we were keeping an eye on you no da.
You: But why... would he...?
Chichiri: He’s always haunted by his crimes no da.
You: His crimes…? But what he did today wiped away all that.
Mitsukake: He’s a serious young man.
You: Amiboshi... But as long as he’s safe, then...
Mitsukake: Yes, that’s right...
Nuriko: I’m sure he’s fine. He’s not the kind of guy who’d die that easily.
You: ...Mm. You’re right.
...It felt like a lot had happened in a day.
Well... Actually, days and days passed within the dream-world, so maybe I couldn’t really say it had only been one day.
You: ...There’s just one thing I know for certain.
Tamahome: What’s that?
You: They manipulated Misaki-chan and forced her to become the Priestess of Seiryuu against her will.
You: She’s been waiting for me to save her...
So—I’ve got to keep fighting... right here in this world.
You: Guys, let’s give it our all, okay?
My comrades all smiled and nodded.

=>Go to world map


Translation Notes:
(1) “In that case, I shall destroy you with my own two hands!” *Winces* This is, at best, really broad, and at worst, totally inaccurate. Original: ならば、一切手は抜きませんよ (naraba, issai te ha nukimasen yo). Something to the effect of “In that case, all hands will not omit/surpass.” For the first time in a long time, I really have no idea. Maybe someone fully fluent can come rescue me. *sigh*